Friday, October 11, 2024

Checking In on Chiron at 21 Aries


Chiron and Achilles as child Fresco from Basilica of Herculaneum Museo Archeologico Nazionale

Check in with Chiron 

April 17, 2018                   Chiron enters Aries 

Sept 25, 2018                   Chiron returns Pisces

Feb 18, 2019                     Chiron enters Aries 

June 29,2026                    Chiron enters Taurus 

Sept 17,2026                    Chiron enters Aries 

April 14, 2027                   Chiron exits Aries enter Taurus 


We are past the halfway point of Chiron’s trek in Aries and I thought it was a good time to check in. 


Chiron was in Aries when it was discovered November 1, 1977.   Since 1977 Chiron trucked through all the signs until April 2018 when it returned to Aries for the first time since it was discovered.      In 2018 Chiron went back and forth between Aries and Pisces and finally in February 2019 it began its Aries journey where it will be until 2027.      


At that time in 2019, I wrote


Chiron is a minor planet/asteroid that lives between Saturn and Uranus in our solar system.  It takes a long time to go around the sun, but it does not spend an equal time in each sign. On Feb 18 it will return to Aries having moved into Aries last year, then took a quick retrograde out in Pisces last fall.   Now it will stay in Aries until 2027.   The myth associated with Chiron speaks of self- wounding.  Where are we our worst enemy?  Is the question to ask with Chiron.  The last time it was in Aries was between1968 – 1976.   Protesting and questioning authority was highlighted but not just by the hippies on the street but also by Nixon in the Whitehouse and Watergate.   Stories of brazen grabs of power or actions where one person thinks they are above the law by virtue of their own identity will fill the news cycles.  Stories of going it alone or being independent will rattle all our cages because we wish we could be that self-directed or because we fear it or both. 


Then in March of 2021 I wrote about a Libra Full Moon that was opposing Chiron in Aries. 


Chiron is a minor planet (formerly labeled asteroid) and in astrology it speaks to our wounds, self- inflicted wounds.  Of course, children born during this nine-year window will have Chiron in Aries in their natal charts and they will tap into that independent Aries spirit in some manner in their life.  Although, it may be clumsy at first.  The previous Chiron in Aries generation was born between 1968-1976 and during that era when they were babies, we saw the Aries penchant for liberation in the world.   For example, birth control and women pursuing careers which delayed marriage and children but also offered a clearer sense of self in relationships.  Gay liberation launched with Stonewall in the summer of 1969 along with Woodstock (youth independence) and the USA’s landing man on the moon—which could not speak more to Chiron in Aries if it tried.   Obviously, not every summer or every year is so pronounced with Chiron in Aries activities, however historians of astrology will have no problems identifying the warrior Aries in 2020 and now.   During this 2018-2027 period there will be some Aries, new and full moons and Libra new and full moons that will be touched by Chiron. “


A refresher on Chiron the Centaur.    Chiron was a product of Greek God Cronus (Saturn) and a water nymph (Oceanid) Philyra.   When Chiron was born, his mother was so ashamed by her half human half horse son that she abandoned him on a mountain.    The sky god Apollo found Chiron and raised him.    Apollo taught Chiron music, art, medicine, prophesy and archery while his twin sister Artemis also taught the centaur hunting.   Most of the centaurs were heathens, big drinkers and sloppy.   Chiron was different; probably because he had a god for a father.  He was civilized, wise, intelligent and kind.   Everyone sought Chiron’s advice and tutoring.  He was also an astrologer.    However, for all his smarts, nurturing and wisdom there was one problem with Chiron, he could not heal himself.   Wounded by a poison arrow (shot by one of his students) Chiron was in much pain and found no remedy that could heal him.   Unfortunately, because he was immortal it meant he would live his life forever and in pain.   It all seemed too much for Chiron and he chose to give up his life and transferred his immortality to Prometheus who brought the world fire.   Even in death he was generous.   When Chiron is in a sign, we explore the gifts and knowledge of the sign, but we also see examples where the sign is foolish or goes too far.   


Chiron’s journey in Aries speaks to the power of going it alone, being independent, carving an individual path.   It is the power of stating something bold and going for it.   It is the power of self-agency.     It is the opposite of co-dependency.  It speaks to tapping frustration or anger and doing something creative or productive that is part and parcel to a solution.  We help others see they can ‘do it’ whatever is that ‘it’.   


Chiron in Aries can go long in, “I don’t give a fuck” attitude.   


This approach can be helpful in clearing out an over connection to people and their opinions of us.   We tap bravery and just stop caring about stuff that does not support our vision or our skills to be authentic.  We tap a fire in our belly.   However, where we screw up is when we go too far and  we elevate boors and uncouthness.  Bullies can thrive in a Chiron in Aries period and certainly there can be a multitude examples of abuse of power.   We need to take care we are not celebrating modern day Visigoth.  Or we are amplifying modern day pirates or 'strong men' who we step on those who are quieter, milder or humble.   


Since 2018 I have been pointing out planetary aspects in my new and full moon reports that involve Chiron, including this spring’s Aries New Moon solar eclipse on April 8.    On that new moon, Chiron was EXACT with the new moon.  Not one degree off.   Exact.    It would seem Chiron wanted our attention for the whole year since that new moon launched the 12-month zodiacal lunar year.   And arguably since April, it has been a firestorm of activity.  Ask Joe Biden how fast Aries energy can upend a world. 


Now in the fall of 2024, we will have a potent full moon in Aries on October 17 that is  conjunct with Chiron and squares Mars.   This is two weeks before a seminal election and a newly direct Pluto soon to enter Aquarius.    It is feasible that there will be some event that will get our attention, speak to speed, fire, independence and a tension that cannot be contained.   Having said that we need to avoid dystopian narratives and people who use that fear for their own personal gains.   If you are having a nice day, have a nice day.  Let’s all try to breathe.    


We have three more years of Chiron in Aries.   It is very probable that the actions of the next month will impact the rest of the Chiron in Aries cycle in a significant manner.    


Of course, watch your world for some drunken centaurs, abusive pirates and Visigoth who want to jam you up with their bigness.    Tell them to eff off and do your own thing.  


In the meantime, read about your own sign and placement of Chiron in your chart



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