Wednesday, October 2, 2024

Mercury with a Tail & Pleiades


Credit: Dr. Sebastian Voltmer

Astrologer and photographer David Crook puts fabulous shots on his FB page.  

When I saw this photo today I naturally thought it was a comet until I read his description:

"That's not a comet, but the planet MERCURY WITH ITS SODIUM TAIL."

Wow. I had no idea Mercury had a sodium tail.

I asked him about the stars above and he said --

"The Pleiades, aka the Seven Sisters. Alcyone- the Weeping Star, and leader of the Pleiades precessed into the sign of Gemini in 2002. Alcyone is now at 0 Gemini 20'. Tr. Uranus will conjoin Alcyone and the Pleiades in July 2025, October 2025, and May 2026."    

And he offered up a great link at Forever Conscious.

Just the same, between the September Equinox and the December Solstice, we are able to tap into the wisdom of these Seven Sisters with greater ease.

The brightest star in the Pleiades is Alcyone and she is often viewed to be the female equivalent of Sirius

Just like Sirius, Alcyone is a high vibrational star that is extremely powerful and potent. If we think of Sirius as our Spiritual Sun, Alcyone could almost be like our Spiritual Moon.

Alcyone is also said to bring waves of feminine energy to Earth as a way of reminding us to tap into more of these qualities.

Remember, feminine energy goes beyond gender. It represents our ability to go with the flow, to listen and trust our intuition, to tap into our deeper senses, and to favor nourishment over action.


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