Saturn Station Direct
November 15
6:20 am PST
12 Pisces 42
March 23: Saturn enters shadow
June 29: Saturn station retrograde 19 Pisces 26
November 15: Saturn station direct 12 Pisces 42
Feb 18: Saturn exits shadow
For the last five months Saturn has been retrograde between 12 and 19 degrees of Pisces. Since June 29 we have had an opportunity to slow down and get our timing figured out.
Pisces can be gentle, creative, empathetic and intuitive. However, it also can be long on denial and delusion. Pisces likes to avoid conflict and will hope and pray any challenge away.
Since it turned retrograde has anything come up that required ‘reality check’? Were there any hard lessons that pierced illusions? During these five months did you realize you can’t afford to be fuzzy or obtuse in some manner?
There could also have been some productive skills perhaps born from you intuition that proved to be successful. How can you amplify those skills now that Saturn is direct?
Saturn has a lot to teach us in humanitarian and kind Pisces before it exits next May and moves into fiery, warrior, charge-that-hill Aries. All that confidence we tap next summer will come with ease when we feel comfortable in our skin and understanding of our psyche. That is the work of Saturn in Pisces. Make the most of it.
Note: For those of us with planets between 12 -29 degrees of Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces we are feeling an extra grunt of hard work and some loss. The adage, “That which does not kill me makes me stronger” comes to mind. We are still duking it out with the universe but once this end (May 2025) we will be mentally leaner, wiser and have a very good handle on what gets our time and what does not.
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