Sunday, March 23, 2025
Aries New Moon! The New Astro Landscape Begins!
Friday, March 21, 2025
Gemini Brett with Amanda Wash on Astrology Hub
If you really like to get into the geeky astrology stuff, Astrologer Gemini Brett, who I have seen at a conference and found super interesting was recently on Astrology Hub with Amanda Walsh. Brett has researched a lot about the who,how, when and why Astronomy separated from Astrology. Once upon a time, ( for millennia), astrology and astronomy was married. Now they are separated. Gosh knows astronomers, not big fans of astrologers but for those of us in the astrological community we have so much respect for astronomy.
Anyway this discussion goes very long on the north and south nodes and the lunar standstill which ties back to January 11 when the north node hit zero degrees of Aries. He also explains why there is so much about the snake, dragon's head and tail and the serpent associated with the node. I pulled out one tiny part of the video and was kind of blown away when he lays out the glyphs. I never saw that pattern until he pointed it out and I have been drawing the glyph for 40 years.
Here's a snippet of that part of the discussion.
If the video does not work, here's the link to the whole presentation in all its geeky dry appeal.
Wednesday, March 19, 2025
Happy Equinox - Watch Your World.
Happy Equinox
March 20, 2025
2:01 am PDT
The first day of spring (in the northern hemisphere) and first day of fall (south of equator) roll out on Thursday morning when the sun enters Aries activating the equinox.
As discussed, we are in an extraordinary astrological era right now and much of it is centered around zero Aries. On January 11 the north node entered zero Aries setting off this year’s big activities. Now the Sun will hit another trip wire on March 20.
We should watch world events around the 20th for possible topics and themes that will reoccur this year and into 2026. In our personal lives we may have experiences that could mirror themes that will repeat in our lives this year.
We may have started to feel or see some stuff come up for us around January 11. Note if anything then was repeated around these other dates when Mercury and Venus hit zero Aries and note the dates in the furfure.
Feb 3: Venus enter zero Aries
March 3: Mercury enter zero Aries
Mar 30: Neptune enters zero Aries
April 15: Mercury enters zero Aries
April 30 Venus enters zero Aries
Sept 1 Saturn enters zero Aries
Sept 15 Neptune enters zero Aries
Jan 26 Neptune enters zero Aries
Feb 14 Saturn enters zero Aries
In the meantime, enjoy the equinox and welcome the new season (and era).
Monday, March 17, 2025
March 18 - March 29 - Astrology Landscape
March 18, 2025
3:01 PDT
Focus on: How are you sharing with others your ability to tap power? What have you learned about the importance and power in co-mingling resources? How are you sharing your ability to keep a secret and release it at the most important time for best value?
Special focus:
3/19 Sun conjunct Neptune (29 Pisces 36) Intuition is high. Faith, humanity creativity may be tapped. Be careful with booze and drugs.
3/20 Sun enters Aries
3/21 Venus sextile Pluto (3 Aquarius 22) Creative expression is important for transformation and the power of new independence.
Last Quarter Moon Phase
March 22, 2025
4:29am PDT
Last Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Focus on:
What actions are you taking that tap your inner-CEO? How are you acting on faith that puts you out in the world? What actions can you take that deepen your connection to your career? Do you need a boost of spirituality in your career?
Special focus
3/22 Sun conjunct Venus (2 Aries 39) Independence and new paths are found while tapping creativity.
3/23 Sun sextile Pluto (3 Aries 24) Creativity and new fresh ideas inspire transformation.
3/24 Sun conjunct Mercury (4 Aries 24). Fierce thoughts serve a purpose.
Balsamic Moon Phase
March 25, 2025
8:49pm PDT
Balsamic: We let go. By releasing we can prepare for the new.
Focus on: How are you releasing any friends or groups that are not in sync with you? How are you releasing strident and obstinance in thought that no longer serves you?
Special focus:
3/25 Mercury sextile Pluto (3 Aquarius 27) Independence thinking is showcased which taps new power and transformation.
3/26 Mars square Chiron (21 Aries 59). Actions that are based on emotions and family can rub against the need for new independence.
3/27 Venus re-enters Pisces (see separate post)
3/27 Venus conjunct Neptune (29 Pisces 53) (see above)
Aries New Moon (Treasure Map) March 29 at 3:57 am pdt
Sunday, March 16, 2025
Richard Nolle and Other Astrologers on Saturn Conjunct Neptune Zero Aries
As we have been discussing for some time, Saturn conjuncts Neptune in Aries exact on February 20, 2026. It is only a one time hit. However, the influence is longer because the two of them will be co-present in Aries between May and October. Then they re-enter and are co-present in Pisces between October and January. During their retrogrades, Saturn goes back to 25 Pisces 09 and Neptune goes back 29 Pisces 22. Finally, in January they both re-enter zero Aries (Neptune on January 26 and Saturn on February 14).
As many of you have no doubt noticed I think it is important to do shout outs to other astrologers and their insights especially when focusing on mundane astrology. With these spring aspects being so pronounced I started to find some great information and research in the astrological community.
Obviously, I vectored in on this conjunction awhile ago. The last conjunction was in 1989 in Capricorn which I remembered very well. At the time I wrote letters to friends telling them to put it on their radar and suggested actions they could do to personalize the aspect. The average human lifespan will experience only two of these conjunctions because the cycle only happens every 36.4 years. When the 1989 aspect began to unfold it was apparent that it was tied to Russia because the former USSR began to break apart. That conjunction was in Capricorn and because I knew that their elliptical paths were uneven, I wondered how many times the conjunction occurred in Aries. Luckily, astrologer Richard Nolle did the grunt work in July of 2005 and compiled a list of Saturn conjunction Neptune for the last two thousand years. As I suspected, their conjunction in Aries has only occurred six times in two thousand years and they never formed a conjunction at zero Aries. I wondered about the time before 500 BCE.
My pursuit continued and two years ago I bumped into astrologer SJ Anderson with Dan Waits of The World Astrology Report and their episode “The Astrology the 2020s: The New Frontier. I was intrigued by the title and was excited to see that SJ did the calculation and found a conjunction at zero Aries over six thousand years ago in the year 4361 BCE. He and Dan Waites discuss some of the history which is broad given our information is limited for that era but still interesting. Prior to that, we really don’t know, and what it means would be silly since who knows what man was doing during the Ice Age besides painting in caves. So, this conjunction that we are experiencing is a brand-new uncharted territory.
Zero Aries is the beginning of the directional movement of the tropical zodiac. Technically, the sun crosses the equator at zero Aries and it is the midway between the winter and summer solstice. It marks the completion of endings and the freshness of new beginnings. Sometimes both endings and beginnings can come quick and hard. As discussed in a previous post, Venus and Mercury are going back and forth between Pisces and Aries and are driving three times over zero Aries. I believe the universe is doing all it can to prepares on some level for zero Aries. Let’s see how this season unfolds, how summer quickens the information then we will get a reprieve in the fall and by January we will be ready to take it on with a new gusto.
If you feel like going super deep on why zero Aries is significant I encourage you to check out Astrology Hub’s YouTube with Gemini Brett and Amanda Walsh. Brett is an astrologer who spends a lot of time bridging the gulf between astronomy and astrology which once upon a time were very happy married to each other. His research is excellent. He was also on Chris Brennan’s Astrology Podcast in 2017 discussing the importance and former alliances between the two worlds.
I will keep you updated on my insights and the work of other astrologers along the way as we head into our new horizon.
Monday, March 10, 2025
Astrology for Week March 10 - 17
We are in an auspicious period, and we will be here for a few months. I wrote about this period and likened it to a town we are stopped in on a cross-country road trip. We should start to feel the energy shift and morph and get weird this week. Not weird like the weird we have been doing for a while but a new weird. Yeah, I know it seems strange that we are doing this now but here we are. And then there is the Mercury Retrograde that starts on March 14. There will be some bumps in the news and maybe a few bumps that feel personal.
Gibbous Moon
March 10, 2025
1:19am PDT
Special focus How are you refining your strength? How are you shaping your pride? How are you exacting your creativity? How is your faith shaping your bravery?
Focus on:
3/11 Mercury conjunct Venus (8 Aries47) Thoughts of independence. Our heart and our mind are fired up. What path do they want to carve?
3/12 Sun conjunction Saturn (22 Pisces 05) Responsibility to our faith and to our humanity that are in our face. Victims and saviors in the news.
March 13, 2025
Lunar Eclipse - Full Moon – Virgo
11:54 pm PDT
23 Virgo 56
Full Moon: We make the needed adjustments on the things we planted. Usually, emotions are up and running and for those people who perhaps did not utilize the new moon and the rest of the waxing moon, this is when emotions can get the better of us. There can often be a big emotional break, for no other reason than to get back on track. Some partnership will offer up some balance. The moon is bright and full and there is no room for shadows, what is reflecting on you?
Special focus
3/14 Sun sextile Uranus (24 Taurus 02) Creativity is strong with practical application.
3/14 Mercury retrograde (9 Aries 39) (see separate)
3/17 Sun conjunct north node (27 Pisces 23) (see the road trip post link above)
Mercury Retrograde March 14 - Thoughts that straddle Pisces and Aries.
Station Retrograde
March 14, 9Aries 35
Feb 28 Mercury enters shadow
Mar 14 Mercury stations retrograde (9 Aries 35)
Mar 24 Mercury conjunct Sun – cazimi (4 Aries 24)
Mar 29 Mercury re-enters Pisces
Apr 7 Mercury stations direct (26 Pisces 49)
Apr 15 Mercury re-enters Aries
Apr 26 Mercury exits shadow
Two weeks after Venus stations retrograde, we now have Mercury retrograding at 9 degrees of Aries. Like Venus, Mercury is straddling back and forth between Aries and Pisces. In general, during Mercury retrograde periods we benefit by a slowdown of our thinking, talking and connecting. Unfortunately, the very nature of slowing down will piss off Aries. Delays will be very frustrating. Some issues that come up may demand swift thinking and conversations that are sharp. If the talks cut to the bone and have long term consequences that might be okay. In our current climate of Venus is helping us find our hearts and talking to us through Aries and now Mercury retrograded in Aries, there just may be a need for fierceness for things we love and independent thinking.
When Mercury re-enters Pisces on March 29, it will join Venus and now they both remember tenderness, kindness and benevolence has meaning. We can reconnect to something again tender through our hearts and minds and then when Mercury stations direct on April 7 and re-enters Aries on April 15, we are back to our warrior brain again.
In mundane astrology, we should anticipate big talk of war. Big talk of independence. Big talk of doing something new. But if in the ‘newness’ the baby gets thrown out in the bath water there will be those who say, ‘hang on I think we are forgetting something.’ More to be revealed.
Virgo Lunar Eclipse March 13, 2025
Virgo Lunar Eclipse
March 13, 2025
11:54 PM PDT
In January the north node left Aries and moved into Pisces signaling the new eclipse cycle of Virgo and Pisces. The last time we were in the Pisces/Virgo period was 2006 and 2007. You may want to consider what was going on in your life in March of both years to get some insights of the Virgo Lunar eclipse.
This Virgo lunar eclipse on March 13, is taking place in an auspicious three-month window where we are long on lessons and nuances of Pisces. Obviously, the Virgo full moon is opposed the Sun in Pisces. This lunar eclipse is part of the process of navigating the bumps and harnessing the gifts of Pisces.
The chart of the Virgo Lunar Eclipse has Saturn oppose Moon conjunct Sun. Uranus trine Moon and sextile Sun which is exact eleven minutes after the full moon launches. Neptune oppose Moon conjunct Sun. Venus conjunct Mercury which is the ruling planet of Virgo. That is a lot of action for a full moon and this one is more juiced up because it is an eclipse. In addition to all the eclipse energy—the day after the launch of the full moon Mercury stations retrograde, which we will discuss later in this write up.
Virgo full moons remind us of the power of our daily schedules. Our calendars and our to-do lists make us productive. Of course, the feeling we have crossing stuff off our lists is empowering as well as showing up on time for anything is a reward. Tapping this inner dutiful employee, who dots all the I’s and crosses all the T’s, is a good for Virgo full moons. It keeps us grounded. All of this is great however, during the Virgo lunar eclipse we are reminded by the dark side of having our head bent down and doing work or clearing a to-do list by rote. We are missing some stuff that only comes when we raise our head up from out work and doing-ness.
What bigger picture is going on that we have not been tracking? And more important how have we been missing our intuition? Have we forgotten to check in with our gut? Every year, for eighteen years, the Virgo full moon is a good companion to Pisces vagueness. But, during this two-year eclipse cycle the accent is on Pisces the beacon which means deepening intuition and letting the psyche expand. Now, the Virgo lunar eclipse is put on notice that it is time to make pivots and practical adaptions. Abandoning behaviors, patterns, goals that are no longer relevant and replacing them with new practical purposes with aims that are in synch with the needs of our psyche is paramount.
Saturn oppose Moon suggests frustration and delays and disappointments. Either we are called out for our how we disappoint, or we experience it in others. There will no doubt be some world event where it is clear someone screwed up. Saturn rules structures and systems and in this eclipse, we see a big eff up, big fall or a collapse. What can we learn from it? How is it getting our attention? How is important is it to pull up our eyes from our tasks and get a longer perspective on the world around us?
Virgo rules our health and diet. If weight loss is needed, you may now feel connected to your higher self and are able to tap more discipline that comes from an inner sense of ‘now is the time’. Or if your health has been suffering on some level, now you get practical and shop for a new solution or new doctor. If your supplements do not feel like they are doing what they promise, you could ditch them and start researching other options. Even if your weight is fine and you are not on supplements, do you have practices that support a long healthy life? What needs to go?
Neptune oppose Moon conjunct Sun is a double down on mysterious, perhaps loss, or surreal event. The news will be about something big. The ocean or water could be part of the story. On the personal level look to see which house in your chart has 23 Virgo and 23 Pisces. Those are the houses pronounced during these eclipses.
Also, if you are feeling fuzzy and unclear and you need resolution---now would be the time to make tweaks to your daily life that can mitigate the vague. If you are looking for a job and your money is tight, you may need to start unplugging from costs that no longer are sensible. Perhaps the gym that you are not visiting enough to warrant the monthly payment should be ditched and replaced with walking in the neighborhood. If someone owes you money you may need to ask for a sensible payment plan that works for them and helps mitigate their debt to you. Is there stuff you need to sell that when you really think about it, you do not need anymore and should be out of your life? Do you finally need to unplug from cable? Look at what is part of your regular schedule that just does not need to be in your life either by costs or time commitment. This is probably a good place to make your pivots.
The Uranus trine Moon and sextile Sun is all about the benefit of pragmatic earthiness. There may be opportunities that come out of the blue that at first blush we want to dismiss but then there is something that stops us and we think, “hmmm”. “What if?” Uranus speaks to new technology, ideas that feel electric when we consider them. It is the planet of break throughs, even in the middle of break downs. Watch what comes up in the 3-day full moon phase that may shake things up.
Mercury conjunct Venus give us the strength to tackle anything that comes our way. Mercury as the ruling planet of Virgo is in harmony with Venus and they both are figuring out how to take care of self at 7 and 9 degrees of Aries. Mercury is thought and conversations. It is also the quickest planet on its feet. Venus is our value system and knows how to show up when something is important. We will be informed in some manner on this full moon about what we need to care about and what we can ditch. However, the way we may get informed is through some possible kerfuffle in part because Mercury begins its three-week retrograde on March 14. Planning more time is key to any Mercury retrograde. Although, Mercury in Aries wants to do everything now. We may have to be spontaneous but try your best to honor the retrograde and take a beat and consider anything that could be sloppy. Can you live with it? Perhaps Venus so close to Mercury will offset the usual confusion and miscommunication that can come with a Mercury retrograde. Perhaps.
Around the eclipses, both lunar and solar, there is often an event that speaks to the nature of the eclipse. In the case of this lunar eclipse, I am struck by the death of Gene Hackman and his wife Betsy. On February 28 their bodies were found along with their dog who was dead in a crate. There was a lot of mystery and conjecture about what caused their death but there was a consistent thread for two weeks that they loved each other much and that 95-year-old Hackman had dementia from Alzheimer. Eventually on March 7, it was announced by authorities that Betsy died around Feb 11 from hantavirus and Gene, without Betsy to make sure he took his medicine, died on February 18 from heart and kidney disease. In the time since their deaths were announced there has been many social media posts by people who have said that they have been so out of rhythm, (either on purpose of just by life), that they have not been in regular contact with some family, friends and neighbors. But upon hearing the news of Gene’s death they have made a concerted effort to fold a more regular conversation with these folks. Pisces rules acting, art, film and music. Gene was an extraordinary performer in many award-winning films. His caring wife Betsy was an accomplished pianist, and they were supporters of the art museums in Santa Fe. This all feels so Pisces & Virgo. Perhaps their lasting gift was their death, as people made changes to reach out to others more regularly.
Anyway, remember the theme with the Virgo lunar eclipse is being practical and looking at things that take daily effort but ONLY after you raise your head and look around and see what is going on and of course connecting to your intuition. Pisces is gonging that bell loud. Can you hear it?
Welcome to the Town Of Late Pisces Zero Aries
The Town of North Node & Neptune & Saturn Late Pisces Zero Aries
Imagine you are driving across the country. You need to get gas and replenish supplies, so you stop at a town. Right away you see two of the gas stations are under repair or out of gas and you end up in a long line to fill the tank at the one working station. Then you get a meal, you buy car snacks, maybe you use the bathroom to wash your face. You also decide to take a moment, enjoy a break from the road and walk around the town. You go into a few shops, you look at the local art at a street fair, then you notice a revival meeting with a special guest speaker at a mega church. The parking lot is full, the place is packed, some people are on the lawn listening to the preacher through outside speakers. You listen for a bit, form your own judgements then feeling anxious about time, return to your car and head on.
That is the road trip we are on. Right now, the North Node, Saturn and Neptune are in late degrees of Pisces. Then on March 30, Neptune will end its 14-year window in Pisces and move into Aries. In this landscape between 22 Pisces and zero Aries; Venus and Mercury will conjunct all of them, retrograde and do it again two more times.
What this means is we are going back and forth to that Late Pisces Zero Aries town. We will try to find Saturn support even if it is challenging. We also know we need to slow down and take in new information since North Node only began its journey in Pisces in January. We are looking for meaning or faith through Neptune in familiar Pisces which suggests connecting through humanity through art, faith. We also connect through the unfamiliar territory of Aries which is anxious to get somewhere and tap self-agency.
This town of Late Pisces and early Aries is filled with endings and beginnings. Pisces is the last sign of the zodiac so completing cycles is amplified. Letting go and releasing is Pisces. Tapping our intuition, creativity and compassion is Pisces. Unworldliness, prayer, things that are holy are Pisces as well as our unconscious and the stuff that bumps in the night. Pisces also connects to the oceans, navies and shipping. Pisces is booze, art and drugs. Aries is independence, self-agency, powering ahead with force and effort, and beginning a new journey. Aries understands the importance of going to battle and knows all about war.
Saturn understands the power of responsibility and Neptune understands the power of intuitiveness, visualizations and dreams. The North Node in Pisces welcomes compassion especially if it can help alleviate pain. With North Node in Pisces stories of people who are victimized will fill up the news but at the same time there may be stories of extraordinary good and the power of small miracles.
Back to our road trip. We saw the first sign telling us “Town 50 miles ahead” on Feb 2, when Neptune conjunct North Node. We turned off the highway on March 1 & 2 when Mercury conjunct North Node and Neptune. Then on March 12 we are in the town, and we are there until May 24. All of these dates from Feb 7 until May 24 are about Pisces & Aries. Endings, beginnings, disillusion, finding faith, sadness, intuition. Adventure, independence, self-agency, new horizons, action first. Watch the dates for what is in the news and what is going on in your personal life. Each aspect informs us and will be valuable as we enter this new territory. Whatever is going on now will be different in summer and fall but we will tap these dates and what we learned and use that information to help guide us.
Feb 7 Neptune conjunct N. Node (28 Pisces 09)
March 1 Mercury conjunct N. Node (27 Pisces 24)
March 1 Venus station retrograde (10 Aries 50)
March 2 Mercury conjunct Neptune (28 Pisces 57)
March 12 Sun conjunction Saturn (22 Pisces 05)
March 13 Total Lunar Eclipse 23 Virgo 56
March 14 Mercury Retrograde (9 Aries 35)
March 17 Sun conjunct north node (27 Pisces 23)
March 19 Sun conjunct Neptune (29 Pisces 36)
March 20 Sun Enter Aries - Equinox 2:01am PDT
March 27 Venus re-enters Pisces (see above)
March 27 Venus conjunct Neptune (29 Pisces 53)
March 29 Partial Solar Eclipse (9 Aries 00)
March 30 Neptune enters Aries
April 1 Venus conjunct North node (27 Pisces 21)
April 3 Mercury conjunct north node (27 Pisces 17)
April 7 Venus conjunct Saturn (25 Pisces 15)
April 7 Mercury station direct (26 Pisces 49)
April 10 Mercury conjunct North Node (27 Pisces 23)
April 12 Venus station direct (24 Pisces )
April 16 Mercury conjunct Neptune (00 Aries 38)
April 21 Saturn conjunct North Node (26 Pisces 50)
April 23 Venus conjunct North Node (26 Pisces 54)
April 24 Venus conjunct Saturn (27 Pisces 13)
May 2 Venus conjunct Neptune (1 Aries 08)
May 24 Saturn enters Aries
Once Saturn exits Pisces and enters Aries on May 24th it will head for a conjunct with Neptune at zero Aries. This conjunction will be felt long before its exact date of Feb 20, 2026. In July it will get super close, then they both retrograde and never get that far from each other even when Neptune returns to Pisces in the fall, it is still close to Saturn. In some form or another we will see the themes of the conjunction revealed all year. Saturn and Neptune have not formed a conjunction at zero Aries at any time in the last five thousand years. So, we have no historical references. We may have only our intuition to guide us and perhaps that is why we are going back and forth in our town of Late Pisces Zero Aries. We will be juicing up and sharpening our intuition and our instinct for our new horizon.
Saturday, March 1, 2025
LA's ONLY Astro Event! April 25- 27
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Oh, Venus Venus Venus
Jan 18 Venus conjunct Saturn (16 Pisces)
Jan 26 Venus sextile Uranus (23 Taurus)
Jan 28 Venus enters Shadow
Feb 1 Venus conjunct Neptune (27 Pisces )
Feb 1 Venus conjunct N. Node (28 Pisces)
Feb 2 Mercury semi square Venus (2 Aries)
Feb 3 Venus enters Aries
Feb 7 Venus sextile Pluto (2 AQ 16)
Feb 18 Venus semi square Uranus (23 Taurus)
Mar 1 Venus stations retrograde (10 Aries 50)
Mar 11 Venus semi square Uranus (23 Taurus)
Mar 11 Mercury conjunct Venus (8 Aries)
Mar 21 Venus sextile Pluto (3 AQ 22)
Mar 22 Sun conjunct Venus (2 Aries 39)
Mar 27 Venus re-enters Pisces
Mar 27 Venus conjunct Neptune
Apr 1 Venus conjunct North Node (27 Pisces)
Apr 6 Venus trine Mars (25 Cancer 30)
Apr 7 Venus conjunct Saturn (25 Pisces )
Apr 7 Venus sextile Uranus (25 Taurus 6)
Apr 12 Venus stations direct (24 Pisces )
Apr 20 Venus sextile Uranus (25 Taurus )
Apr 24 Venus conjunct North Node (26 Uranus)
Apr 24 Venus conjunct Saturn (27 Pisces)
Apr 30 Venus re-enters Aries
May 2 Venus conjunct Neptune (1 Aries)
May 6 Venus sextile Pluto (3 AQ)
May 15 Venus exits shadow
As Peter Pan said on his ride at Disneyland---- Here we gooooooo!
Arguably, the Venus retrograde is the signature retrograde of 2025. Every couple of years, Venus retrogrades but it is not always in Aries. Two years ago, on the day Venus retrograded in Leo Barbie & Oppenheimer were released and Barbenheimer took the world by storm. No one can accuse Venus in Leo of being shy. Now the retrograde takes place in Aries, another bold sign.
Venus is how we find fun and play. Venus speaks to what we value. Venus connects to money, beauty, art, creativity and love, which are all about values. You value that piece of art and are willing to pay a large sum of money for it. While someone else looks at it and not only does not want to buy it but perhaps scoffs and questions if it is art. Venus is in the eye of the beholder. Even though, Venus is not comfortable in Aries she will try her best to make the most of Aries themes. Aries is all about independence and the willingness to fight for what it sees as important. Aries is a warrior, fiery and head strong. Falling in love with warriors or fight energy will be highlighted during the Aries portion of the Venus retrograde.
After March 27 Venus re-enters Pisces and returns to finding the humans in humanity. Spiritual pursuits are meaningful. Finding the tenderness that connects all of us is valuable. A lot of the stuff that has come up for us since January 28 when Venus entered the shadow point will be revisited during the retrograde. Was it our kindness that showed up? Was it our charitable or our altruistic natures that got pinged? Was it our smarty pants intuition that showed up? Then when Venus moved into Aries on February 3, we felt the flame move us. Our values spoke with more anger and energy. Some people may have been surprised by their own fierceness. The mixture of value finding that is both gentle and forceful is the hallmark of this Venus retrograde. Look at your calendar, note anything that came up since January 28 that struck you in your heart. Know that this Venusian mix between kindness and warring will be strongest during the retrograde (March 1 – April 12) and will continue until the end of the shadow on May 15.
During Venus retrograde she will make multiple aspect hits with other planets. We will no doubt pick up themes with each of these planetary contacts. Then revisit the them, perhaps pick another beat and then hit it again when Pluto stations direct. Note the aspects and the dates of hits listed above.
If you want to get a feel for Aries Venus retrogrades in previous years, consider the spring of these years. Note that only 2017 & 2009 had a Venus return that started in Aries and retrograded back into Pisces like we are experiencing now.
2017(13 Aries to 26 Pisces)
2009 (15 Aries to 29 Pisces)
2001 (17 Aries to 1 Aries)
1993 (20 Aries to 3 Aries)
1985 (22 Aries to 6 Aries)
1977 (24 Aries to 8 Aries)
While Venus retrogrades are a regular pattern at every 2 years and Venus Retrogrades in Aries happen every 8 years, our current event may have more meaning as it is in the landscape of our huge outer planets changes. Perhaps this retrograde is reminding us that if something is important then it is worth fighting for especially if it speaks through love. As changes unfold, we will want to know what we love.