Thursday, February 23, 2017

Pisces New Moon & Solar Eclipse: The Big Melt

Pisces New Moon
February 26, 2017
9:58 am EST
(8 Pisces 12)

This is our final Solar Eclipse in Pisces for a long time (next one in about nine years).   We have a real opportunity to let go, release and melt the things that no longer bring good into our lives.  Do you really want to waste this opportunity?  I didn't think so.    

Take a READ.

Sunday, February 19, 2017

The Final Week of Aquarius Cycle

We are in the final week of the Aquarius lunar cycle.   This weekend we moved into Last Quarter Moon.  We have spent three weeks assessing our connections with others in particular groups.   We feel connected or we feel left out.  We feel like we have found a good group for us and our goals and aspirations.  Or we think we may not have found the right group.   

Lots of things to ponder and on this last quarter moon we take thethe final push on our willingness to  connect with groups.  Maybe we are leaders hiding?  Maybe we are master networkers and can connect the right person with another right person and something magical happens?   is it time to show up?  Yes, it is.     This is the time we stretch and really see how we can push our selves with groups.  

This week has Mars Square Pluto on the 22nd.   We will all feel the tension.  Mars has not been in this spot since 2015.  How does independence feel thwarted by old patterns?  How are we bugging others?  How are we fighting authority?   What is going on around us?  How is power a motivator to intense action? 

Yeah, it is that week.

And then on the 23rd we move into Balsamic and release our authoritative nature.  We stop being the boss. 

Last Quarter Moon Phase
February 18, 2017
2:33pm EST

Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living  “The serenity prayer

God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.

Focus on:
What actions are you taking that bring in things that are ‘foreign”?  What actions are you taking that are bold and big and unifying?  What actions are you taking that build a bridge?  What actions are you that are optimistic?  What actions are you taking that are generous?

Special focus:
2/22 Mars Square Pluto.   The last square we had was Dec 13 2015.   That one was all about relationships and how to release that which was not working.  This time it is all about personal identity and how it needs to be reborn.   What needs to be let go and refigured so you have  your place in the world?  

Balsamic Moon Phase
January 23, 2017
8:24pm EST

Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new. 

Focus on We release our need to be “the boss”.  We release our need to be the executive.    We release our need to be the ‘father’.    We release our snobbery. 

Special focus:

2/25: Sun semisquare Uranus.   Ants in our pants.  Actions can be abrupt.   Brilliant ideas about moving forward feel stuck.   Short fuses.   Need to go back to the well on stuff.

2/25 Mercury enters Pisces

Pisces New Moon  February 26  9:58am(8 Pisces 12)

Thursday, February 16, 2017

Astrology This Week

We moved into Disseminating Phase  on the 14th and this weekend the Sun moves into Pisces and then we go into Last Quarter Moon for the Aquarius lunar cycle.


Focus on:  How are you sharing diplomacy?  How are you sharing balance?  How are you sharing relationships?  How are you sharing your ability to negotiate? 

Special focus:
2/18: Sun enters Pisces

Last Quarter Moon Phase
February 18, 2017
2:33pm EST

Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living  “The serenity prayer

God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.

Focus on:
What actions are you taking that bring in things that are ‘foreign” ?  What actions are you taking that are bold and big and unifying?  What actions are you taking that build a bridge?  What actions are you that are optimistic?  What actions are you taking that are generous?

Thursday, February 9, 2017

Leo Full Moon. For godsakes fall in love with self for a minute. Can you?

Full Moon Phase
Feb 10, 2017
7:32pm EST
22 Leo 28

There are some full moons that just make a person want to stay in bed for three days and then there are full moons like this Leo Full Moon where we say, “Hurray.” 

On the New Moon in Aquarius (two weeks ago) we activated the new phase by connecting with other people who inspire us, or help find our brilliance or people we can connect with in a manner that we can pursue like-minded goals.   Now on full moon in Leo we go back to self.  Not to care about self interest only but more to reflect on what is real and true about our inner self.  

In Leo we look for our strength, love, bravery and the part of us that is a ‘star’.   One has to be careful with that word because celebrity has been interchanged with ‘star’ and frankly at this stage anyone can be a celebrity.  That’s not what Leo is really about.  Leo is about confidence.  Being self-assured.  No matter what your age or your life experiences on Leo full moon you should take a moment and reflect on what sets you apart from others.  Your talents.  Your skills.   Where you shine like a star.   Yes, it is immodest but for heavens sake if you can’t do that in the privacy of your own brain then we’ve got big problems.

And remember:  Do you think it is an accident that the Full Moon in Leo is the companion to Aquarius New Moon?   Of course not.  Yes, we reach out to others to expand our goals and aspirations for a greater cause but at the full moon we have to remember what we are about.   We have to reflect. That’s the point of a full moon.   By doing this act, we keep it real so so we are not going down roads that really aren’t in synch with our inner self.

This particular Leo Full Moon has the following aspect:  Sun trine Jupiter, sextile Saturn, sextile Uranus, sextile Jupiter.    Along with Moon trine Saturn.  Moon Trine Uranus. 

That is a boat load of great potential: 
Expansion, reaching out to others, learning about something new is inspiring (Jupiter).  Recognizing concrete skills and talents in self and others is practical and helpful (Saturn).  Breaking out of old stale patterns is a breath of fresh air (Uranus).     Finding out what makes you special may come from outside or ‘foreign’ resources (moon/Jupiter) and new opportunities that offer independence and breaking fresh ground could appear out of ‘nowhere’ (moon/Uranus).

Take this full phase to lean into your cleverness, your smartness, your skills, your talents, everything that makes you YOU.    And have fun!!!

Remember the full phase is from Feb 10th  7:32pm EST  until Feb 14th 1:04pm EST.  A great way to activate Valentine’s day, I might add! 


Tuesday, February 7, 2017

Preparing for Your Treasure Map NOW!!!!!

Preparing for Your Treasure Map. 

We are now in the balsamic phase of the solar year, which means we are in the last six weeks of the cycle.    For those of us who honor cycles we know our year didn’t begin January 1.  It began in spring 2016 with the Aries New Moon.  Not the first day of Spring but the New Moon of Aries.   Aries is the first sign of the zodiac and when we launch our Treasure Maps.    In 2017, the Aries New Moon begins March 27 at 10:57pm EDT.    At that time we will make our collage that speaks to our goals and aspirations for the year.   It is a dynamic experience full of all kinds of emotions as we stretch and lean into our imaginations and ponder…. ”What if?”  Not a negative, ‘what if’ as in “If  the other shoe drops” , but instead “What if I … lost weight, traveled to Europe, got a perfect job, met a special person…”  Allowing ourselves to even think about something so elevated as ‘what if’ can be daunting.    But we do it on Aries New Moon and we push the envelope even further by making a treasure Map with images of those goals.   That is how we plant our seeds. 

But before that time, we must till the soil in advance of planting seeds.  

So, what does that mean?   What do I have to do to till my soil?

First order of business is clear the junk out of your life.
De-clutter your house.  De-clutter your closets.  De-clutter your files.  De-clutter every corner.  De-clutter under the bed.  De-clutter your car.  De-clutter your garage.    

If there is something broken in your house take it to the trash or get it fixed.   If there is something you no longer wear give it to goodwill. 
And de-clutter bad habits.   How interesting that lent falls right during balsamic phase.   Give up a vice.    Is there some relationships that need to be de-cluttered?   How about not calling that person back.   Let that email go unanswered.     De-clutter your inbox.  Unsubscribe to all those businesses.   

Your goal should be that every day you feel you are getting rid of something

Now when you let go there will be space.  You will feel the empty space.  Good.   DO NOT fill up the space.    You let go of one person so don’t call five other people to talk about how you let go of that one person.    Just let it go. 

Why do we release now?  Because when the Aries New Moon arrives six weeks from now we want to have the space so we can plant seeds for our new year. 

Also for those people who have treasure from 2016, do not be surprised if some of your goals manifest now in the last six weeks of the year.  I have had several  years where some of my biggest accomplishments arrive just before Aries New Moon.  I guess the Universe treats me like a term paper and writes the report the night before it is due.

Have a good house cleaning!  Both physical and mental!

Saturday, February 4, 2017

Into a New Lunar Phase

We start this weekend in First Quarter Moon.    In terms of first quarter moons I think I like this one the best out of all 12 First Quarters.   Ten days ago we launched Aquarius new moon, a time when we look out in the world and find our tribe of people beyond our family circle.   How are we connected to others who have big ideas like us?  How do others support our genius?   How do we support others who have brilliant ideas?  And how do we all connect to make the world better?   Those are lofty questions.  Energetically important but how do we do it?     Now on First Quarter moon we get practical.    We come up with solutions and concrete applications to the ideas and wishes we planted on New Moon.    We follow up in real ways.  We also look at our money and make moves to shore up any issues. 

Focus on:  What actions can you take that are super practical?  What actions can you take that support your values?  What actions can you take that build up your ideals in a practical manner?   What actions can you take that support a step by step, slow build to success?

We move into Gibbous phase on February 7.   We go back to our emotions and our family.  Our home has our attention.    Have you we neglected something? Have we missed something that needs our attention in our ‘cozy world’?   

Gibbous Moon
February 7, 2017

Focus on:
What needs to be refined with your family?  Where are there holes that need to be repaired?   Where are your refining your emotions?  Where are you refining your home?   What details from your childhood impacted your goals and aspirations?   Ponder it. What lofty aspirations do you wish to accomplish but what is the point if you are not in tune with your emotions?   What is underneath your ideals?  

Special Focus:
2/9: Sun sextile Uranus.  Independence  gets a small  shot in the arm.  Feeling liberated.  Open to a little ‘newness’

Full Moon Phase
Feb 10, 2017
22 Leo 28

Separate post to come.   But remember we will need to consider “High Ego = Low Self Esteem.   High Self –Esteem = Low Ego”