Monday, October 1, 2018

Venus Retrograde

Venus Retrograde 
Oct 5, 3:04pm EDT

September 2:  Venus enters shadow 25 Libra 14
October 5 : Venus station retrograde 10 Scorpio 10
November 16:  Venus station direct 25 Libra 14 
Dec 7: Venus exits shadow 10 Scorpio 10 

We are all so numb to retrograde planets this year because many of them were driving backward over us all summer long.   The truth is that Mercury retrograde is about four times a year so we are kind of used to that energy.  Mars doesn’t happen that often but we are fresh having just wrapped up his nonsense and still licking our wounds.  Now we have gentle Venus station retrograde but since she is the planet of money, love and values we really feel her retrograde period even more than Mercury and Mars since it strikes at our heart and core self worth.  

Taking this Venus retrograde in context it is interesting that for twenty nine days  during Virgo will be focusing on our daily activity.  The question is how much of our calendar is based on love or loved ones?   How much of it is not based on love?  Between September 2 and October 5 when Venus is in its shadow we may have things come up that suggest that we are not valued.  Or we have not been valuing others.   Someone says or does something and we think,  “Am I being taken for granted?” or “Am I missing the value in others?”  Are we offering this and that and quite frankly the people we are doing it for are very  ‘come si, come sa’ on it all.   The question is why are we doing so much when others could take it or leave it?  Or why are we asking others to do so much and we are not doing the same? 

And that is why god gives us Venus retrograde. So we all can do a chiropractic adjustment on what is of value to us and to others around us and we ask is our heart and reality in sync?   

For six weeks (Oct 5 – Nov 16) we will pay attention to experiences.  Who is cold and rejects our gifts?  Or are we spending too much time on something that others marginalize?  Or are we doing too much and others are not doing their share? Or are others doing too much?   Or are we doing too much for other’s approval?   

During the retrograde we can get quiet and look at our values and our own motives.  What really makes us tick?  Perhaps we will be placed in a situation where we happen upon new people who appreciate us in ways that other cannot or will not fathom.   Maybe we had hints all year given we have been in this hero journey with Jupiter and Pluto that our love is not reciprocated.  Perhaps this Venus retrograde is the final piece that will move us to the next chapter.   

Then there is money.   We can find our money gets wonky, perhaps investments feel ‘off’. This Venus retrograde is in the sign of Scorpio, which is taxes and debt.  Perhaps we feel a strong urge to get rid of any debt.  When it retrogrades back into Libra our relationships and finding balance can be tricky.   It could be important to ask our partner if we are on the same page in an area that has felt off.   

During this Venus retrograde we are in a tough aspect with Mars.  During the shadow period Venus and Mars square on September 8. 
Then the final square is Oct 10 five days after Venus stations direct.  Mars in Aquarius has a lot of energy in friends and groups of like- minded people. Venus in Scorpio is a jealous lover who does not play well with others especially if they take time away from their beloved. For six weeks we may feel pulled to be with the world in like- minded pursuits and pulled in the other direction of only being concerned about personal desires.   If we cut one out and only put our time in the other we will feel disconnected.  I had a friend in Los Angeles in 1992  who was busy in her world not paying attention to outside influences and was la-dee-dah driving to something that she wanted to go to without any understanding that the city had exploded into riots.  As she headed down a major boulevard she stumbled across rioters who had mischief on their minds and felt very threatened.   As she described the scene to me later I heard it in her voice that she would always be aware of greater energies that are outside her world.  At the same time people who hole up in their homes, armed up to the gills are missing the point as well.   There is a spot in between both energies and this year we have been challenged to find it.  Remember Mars went into its shadow on May 12 and leaves October 16.   The lessons of Mars retrograde and direct in Aquarius do not happen often (1971 & 1939) and we are still processing where we fit with our groups through Venus’s final square on October 10th.     Let’s see where we all land at the end of Venus’ shadow on Dec 7.  

Uranus In The Mix 
Adding to this tension of Mars and Venus is Uranus.  Our reckless –blow-the-joint-up Uranus will not be ignored as he tangles with both planets on the following dates: 
Uranus square Mars August 1
Uranus oppose Venus September 12
Uranus square Mars September 18 
Uranus oppose Venus Oct 31 
Uranus oppose Venus November 29 

Uranus in Taurus is in deep quest to shake things up and he only began his seven-year journey in May.  He is rules money and banking and properties and possessions. Things that need to be built from the ground up will be in his sights.  Watch and see what comes up around those dates both personally and globally and think about your own changes you need to make and if your values need adjusting to reflect the changes.   Remember your need to be with like minded people and your need to honor your personal interest are critical to your response to Uranus.  And of course it all begins with what you value (Venus). 

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