Sunday, August 11, 2019

August 15: Aquarius Full Moon

Full moon of weird on a fridge with cuckoo spin art 

Aquarius Full Moon
August 15, 2019
5:29am PDT 

Betty Banana, one of the bunch?
Extra in the background scenes? 

Is this you?    

Okay.   No one is judging. 

But do not ever believe for one minute you are NOT weird or odd.    You can tell yourself you are bland –but you are not devoid of weird.  Every human on god’s green earth is weird somewhere.  And during the full moon in Aquarius we find our weird.     

This particular Aquarius full moon is challenging because there are so many planets on the other side of the moon, in the sign Leo, sucking up a lot of oxygen.   The Sun and Venus right on top of each other and nearby Mars and they all want to play and laugh and have fun and spend, be big, indulge, party and celebrate - and if they get sloppy –their response is ‘So what?”   While Moon in Aquarius knows there is something going on out there that is way bigger than our play toys and playtime and is bugged by self indulgences and ‘missed‘ opportunities.   In addition, Aquarius likes to mix things up and if everyone has got their party on -Aquarius can bring a wet blanket.  Not just to be negative or contrarian (which it can do) but more because it doesn’t ‘get’ what everyone is talking about or doing.    On this full moon, the way to work through these opposite expressions is to --find and lean into our weird.  Ask yourself where you are not like the crowd?   Or how is your crowd no longer fitting you? 

We only get one Aquarius full moon a year and this is the perfect moon to key into where we need to detach.    During these 3 days  there could be serious crazy which pushing you that there may be a Where, a Who and a What that is growing old.   Some of you may act on that feeling but a lot will just note the feeling of needed detachment.  It may serve us later.   Also, Uranus the ruler of Aquarius is squaring Mercury so our thinking could be extra chilly. Even if we are playing and having fun it just may not feel like it is enough.   Again, note it but don’t collapse into that feeling.  This is an air moon so we are working on our thinking and the mentality of our life.  In the meantime remember that all the planets in Leo speak to finding authenticity born from love.    Actions based on love will be in the news this full moon.  Will it move you?   Will it make you cold about areas of your life that are inauthentic?   Will it make you wish to do more?  Will you break free from being Betty Banana one of the bunch?  Anything is possible, because Aquarius is just that weird with opportunities. 

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