Friday, August 2, 2019

Mercury Station Direct

Mercury Direct.  
July 31 
8:57pm PDT
23 Cancer 56 

While the New Moon chart has Mercury retrograde suggesting thoughts and communication have a confusing element during the 29 day cycle, it is not entirely chaotic because within one hour after the launch of New Moon, Mercury stations direct.   This retrograde had us finding and processing our emotions and then finding ways to communicate the deep feelings inside us.    Now on the Leo New Moon where we celebrate our own style and uniqueness we get a boost from Mercury helping us communicate more effectively.    Our mental state has been on an emotional journey for the last three weeks.  What it has learned and how it expresses itself will begin to unfold.   Consider what came up for you since June 20?    And how have you been processing the beefs and stresses and emotions that have been in your sights since July 7?   How are you finding your strength?    And how are you realizing your deep emotions are your strength?    This Mercury retrograde has traveled from 4 degrees Leo back to 23 degrees Cancer.    On one level our identity and self esteem have felt pushed to the very brink. Thoughts of “Who am I?”  have percolated up  and rattled us to our bones. But our emotions have answered us that we are humans finding our ways and gentleness of self and to others will help us find our balance.   We can be bold and unique and special while also acknowledging others in their own power.  And to that we say, “Thank you, Mercury retrograde. I learned a lot.”  

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