Monday, April 11, 2022

Libra Full Moon. April 16




Libra Full Moon 

April 16, 2022 

11:54am PDT 

26 Libra 45 



The Libra full moon reminds us that we are not on this planet alone. Every day we negotiate.  We find balance with our loved ones, our family, our friends, our colleagues, our neighbors, our merchants, the list is endless.    The Libra full moon stops us down and has us look at our negotiating and relating skills.   Libra is the person on the other side of us at any moment.    On the full moon we note where we begin, and the other person ends and how we find balance.  


On this full moon chart, Pluto is the significant player.   The Sun and Moon at 26 Aries and Libra form a square with Pluto at 28 degrees of Capricorn.    Pluto in Capricorn is efficient at goals but to get there, it knows the power of cutting out the dead.    Sun in Aries speaks to survival and fighting to get what it wants or needs.   Libra fights for relationship.   But Pluto asks, at what cost are the fights?    Pluto reminds all of us, if we are carrying around dead approaches, dead motives, dead values, dead habits, dead styles, and dead ways of co-operating, then it may be time to consider letting go of that which no longer serves.     The 3-day phase of the full moon could have some tussles as we figure out how to be our own agency for our life and how to show up in relationships without sacrificing authenticity.    


Also, Mars and Saturn are in sextile and trine with the Sun and Moon suggesting there can be concrete actions that will establish long term results.    While Pluto taps what is not working, Mars could provide courage and Saturn could provide important restraint on how to fix any issues.   


The bigger landscape of this full moon is that it arrives a few days after the Jupiter conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.   This is the biggest aspect of the year and certainly still an influence around this full moon.     Tapping universal love and our compassion may be called upon.  When faced with harsh realities which may be highlighted during the full moon, finding spirit is very possible and can be our oasis.    This year Passover and Easter are 24 hours within each other and of course tap the full moon.   The message in these religious holidays and in the leeward side of Jupiter Neptune, remind us of the power of faith.  Use the full moon to restore your connection to spirit.     


In the meantime, I send you peace and joy. 

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