Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Jupiter Direct

Jupiter direct

April  8  12:15 EDT

Jupiter turns direct having been retrograde in Leo since December.  In the last four months have you learned about your strength? Have you learned about where you have a big mouth?  Have you learned about religion?  Have you learned about hypocrisy?   What have you learned about cleaning up your side of the street?    Jupiter will move out Leo and into Virgo this August. Virgo is a WAY different energy than Leo.  Take everything you have learned about your strength and courage and self-esteem in the last four months and make it work for you. 
Jupiter moved ten degrees since Dec 8, it started at 22 degrees Leo and went all the way back to 12 degrees of Leo.  
Those of you with planets between 12 and 22 degrees of  Taurus, Scorpio  & Aquarius have been feeling like there are grass fires wherever they turn.   Is it  your ego that is pressured?  Is it your just a general sense of 'out of control'?  At the end of day there really is little that is in our control anyway.   Have you learned in the last four months to just get out of the way?
And those of you with planets at 10 to 20 degrees of Aries and Sagittarius are feeling a little boost in the sails.   The bones are warming up as we move towards our goals.   Hurray.
In general, all of us have about five months to reap the rewards of Jupiter in Leo, we won’t get this placement for another twelve years.   Take a moment on April 8th to feel your strength as it loads up your psyche.  Consider all the big projects you want to accomplish and know that Jupiter in Leo will serve you.  And if you collected some bruises during the time Jupiter was retrograde, reflect on some missteps.  Perhaps you put too many things on your docket thinking you could do it all and now you have come back to reality with humility in your heart and realize, ‘No I want to just accomplish ____ before August. “  Let’s help Jupiter make it all good.


1 comment:

  1. Ta tvoj prekleti satanov služabnik s katerim s katerim si šla to nedeljo v Izolo in v Piran. Ti v resnici samo meni pripadaš. Preklet tvoj satanov služabnik.
