Sunday, June 19, 2016

Our SECOND Sag Full Moon! Yep. That's right.

Sagittarius Full Moon
June 20, 7:02 am EDT
29 Sag 32  

Here we are again. 

Yes, this is our second Sagittarius full moon in a row.  
Every few years we will have a full moon at around zero or one degree of a sign and then 29 days later we will have a second full moon around twenty nine degrees of that same sign.  The last time we had consecutive full moons was in 2013.     When these full moons come up they are teaching us the truth of the sign and asking us what we have learned since the first full moon and how can we use what we learned for the second moon?

In this case, what have we learned that speaks to the Sag energy since the last full moon on May 21st?   How were we courageous and brave when confronted with truth?   What truth have you learned from others or yourselves since that Sag full moon?    Be prepared for more truth with this full moon.

This Full Moon arrives a few days after the Saturn square Neptune where we have discussed ad naseum  that we are in a period where we must “Walk our Talk”.    How fitting that we get a second full moon in Sag while we process our walking and talking.      The universe is gonging us on the head, trying to get our attention.  Gong, gong, gong.  What is going on?   Who is hiding behind righteousness?  Who is hiding behind lies?   What is hiding behind an ADHD world or schedule?  Who is hiding behind shallowness?   What is hiding behind the stories that are told?      What is the real truth?  And are you responding to it and not just words?    Where are you brave and telling the truth?  If not---why not?

On this full moon, the moon trines Uranus and opposes Venus accenting breakthrough and breakouts based on love and values.  What is true about how you love?  What is true about who you love?   How are you walking your talk about love?  How do beliefs impact love?    Remember, the Sun in Gemini sends our brain in overwhelm.   Venus is in conjunction to the Sun (and oppose the moon) but it is out of sign.  It is not in Gemini, it is in Cancer.     This full moon will expose when your brain outsmarts the heart.    The heart knows what it feels and does not need the brain or mind gas lighting the feelings.   (google “to gas light someone” if you don’t understand the reference).    

There is a lesson in this full moon also from Chiron.   Chiron in Pisces is teaching us how to serve our humanity.  How do we respond to humans?   Lovers, friends, family sometimes get all our goodness and humanity gets little.  Sometimes strangers get our love and family, lovers and friends get little.    What is out of balance?  What tricks does your mind tell you about humans?     And more to the point where are stories about victims catching your attention (Chiron in Pisces) and can you use the full moon to move and adapt (Gemini) your beliefs (Sag) so that you can be more purposeful (Sun) as you go through your world?   

We all will be learning lessons this full moon.   And we all have something to teach one another.  The key is stepping up an elevating the conversation and not hanging out in the pity party.   

Onward, soldiers, be brave!  

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