Tuesday, January 26, 2021

Leo Full Moon January 28


Leo from the great state of Wikipedia. 

Full Moon Phase   

January 28, 2021  

11:16am    PST 

9 Leo 05




Every year we experience the Full Moon in Leo which puts the accent on finding our inner hero, artist, lover, cheerleader, player and royalty.   Leo full moon reminds us to acknowledge what makes us special because our skills and talents have a place in the world.  Sitting on them or marginalizing them does no one any good.  If we can’t look in the mirror and see our strengths than why on god’s green earth would anyone else see them?  More importantly perhaps our strengths are exactly what others, like our family, neighborhood and greater community need.    This is the kernel of every Leo Full Moon.   Of course, all lunar charts are impacted by the other planets in the chart.   In the case of this chart the Leo Full moon is getting zapped by Saturn, Jupiter, Mars and Uranus.   Yi Yi Yi.   Color this full moon: Tense.  


During this three- day cycle some of us may feel pushed (Mars) by others or situations.   There will be an accent on responsibility and restrictions (Saturn) versus breaking free, going independent or rogue (Uranus).   We will have to assess what to do if we feel pushed by others?   Or perhaps we are pushed internally because no one is stepping up?    Mars on Uranus is pushing for all of us to find sensible and practical (Taurus) actions that break free from the status quo (Uranus).   During the full moon you may feel extra frustrated about the areas of your life that seem broken.    Jupiter on the Sun in Aquarius could provide some of the answers.   Reach out to good friends for advice.  If the friends are tapped or no longer helpful, then stretch (Jupiter) and go outside your regular circles.   There is wisdom and answers for everyone but staying in our own personal cul-de-sac of sameness is rife with problems.  Part of the greater lesson for 2021 is Saturn in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus which has a theme of  breaking free and finding new ideas and groups.   Building bridges to new ideas is important.  In many ways this full moon could telegraph some areas that need work in 2021. Take note.   In the meantime ,remember your talents, skills and know that they benefit when shared.  This is also a great full moon to laugh and play.  When was the last time you just enjoyed playing anything?    Dance.  Listen to great music.  Watch a big old movie filled with lots of drama (Leo).    Finally, find love.  Love of other humans, a book, a moment, a pet, a hobby, it is all good.  Love is the answer, no matter the question. 


  1. Stan Laurel (ALN -1359 - -435)
    Oliver Hardy (ALN -1339 - -528).

  2. Avstralija (ALN 77/78).

  3. Smrt zgornje protiovčerejske diktatorke ALN 201, Ksenija prvič pride v Gaj ALN 208, Ksenija pride v Gaj živet ALN 213.

  4. Odselitev iz Varde 10 (ALN -193).
    Atentat na Ivana Krambergerja v Jurovskem dolu (ALN -97).

  5. Šel sem v Avstralijo (ALN 77).
    Zapustil sem Avstralijo (ALN 78).

  6. Odselitev iz Varde 10 (ALN -193).
    Atentat na Ivana Krambergerja v Jurovskem dolu (ALN -97).
    Umre atentator Ivana Krambergerja gospod Peter Rotar (ALN 232).
