Saturday, November 5, 2022

Taurus Lunar Eclipse. November 8. Of course it is on Nov 8.


Total Lunar Eclipse 

November 8, 2022

3:01am PST 

16 Taurus 00

16 Scorpio 00 


We are heading towards practicality, the focus on comfort and what makes life easier or secure with this Taurus lunar full moon.   That sounds easy enough, “Hello, Room Service, send me breakfast.”    But this is an eclipse.   The total lunar eclipse means the shadow of earth covers the moon.  Something is rubbing up against that ‘security’.   What does it mean to be secure?  Does one person’s security rub up against another person’s freedom?   The eclipse suggests that the desire for security may not be wrong but are there costs that need our attention?   Adding to the instability of the normally stable Taurus, is the moon on Uranus (less than one degree).   This full moon has something coming from out of the blue and changing the comfort priorities.    Something different and unexpected pops up. 


Saturn at 18 Aquarius forms a T square with Sun in Scorpio, Moon in Taurus.   While we may find the three-day full moon brimming with instability, change and electricity (Uranus) but also Saturn brings a sobriety.  It could be cold and it could be a wet blanket on some goals or still there could be a calming influence from the wiser and older voices.   Less is more on some level.  


The Sun, Mercury and Venus are opposing the full moon in Scorpio.    Scorpio the sign of death and rebirth, demands something die so something new can be born.   What should die will be exposed by Uranus.   On a personal level, we may find that we were heading in a direction that made sense but something unexpected pops up and we must re-evaluate.   Venus in Scorpio reminds us to love self and others and it is okay to deserve a better option if the other one now makes no sense.    Mercury in Scorpio pushes our intellect to assess the situation and go deep on whatever comes up.   The Sun in Scorpio drills down on the power to jettisoned and walk away.   The work of course is to trust by walking away something better will come along.  


It goes without saying that this Lunar Eclipse on November 8th will be in the mix on some level with the USA Midterm elections.    Because Uranus rules the unexpected, it seems this is ripe for a win in races that 'no one saw coming'.    Who and where  is hard to say.   Uranus rules things electronic and cyber,  which is a wee bit disconcerting, since voting booths rely on electricity and software that works.   Hopefully, a lot of people will early vote.  I have my own eye on GenZ turnout.  That could be in this Uranus story.   Lots going on this election day and of course we are in the middle of the USA Pluto Return.  We are where we were in 1776 for the first time in 240+ years.    This election, at this time in the USA History (and World history), is critical and every American should vote.   Now is not the time to lean into jaundice.   Every vote is a voice.   The USA has Mars in Gemini and here we are with a Taurus lunar eclipse and a Mars retrograde in Gemini, your voice is important.   Vote and tell a friend to vote as well.   Drive to your polls together!  

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