Sunday, May 19, 2024

Astrology for Week of May 19 - 25


Gibbous Moon

May19, 2024  

7:54am PDT    





Focus on:  What refining are you doing to your relationship?   What have you been neglecting in your relationships?  What are you tidying up with partners?    



Special focus

5/19: Sun sextile Neptune.  Joy and pleasure come with a connection to faith.  How is our metaphysical and spiritual world important to our pragmatic reality?  

5/19: Mars conjunct North Node.   Where do we need to be a leader?  Where do we need to be a warrior for good?  

5/20: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto (see separate)

5/20: Sun enters Gemini.   

5/22: Sun trine Pluto (See separate) 



May 23, 2024

Full Moon

6:53 am PDT 

2 Sagittarius 55


(To Come) 


5/23:  Jupiter sextile Neptune.  Philosophy that is marbleized with faith is helpful and hopeful.  

5/23: Venus enter Gemini.  Three weeks of flirty, fun, conversations that know how to pivot quickly. 

5/25: Venus trine Pluto (See separate post) 

5/25: Jupiter enter Gemini (See separate post) 


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