Monday, May 6, 2024

Saturn Semisquare Pluto. May 6


In January of 2020 Saturn began a new cycle with Pluto when the two formed a conjunction in the sign of Capricorn.   For those of us who remember January of 2020, let’s ask, hmm what could have been going on  that felt transformative and limiting at the same time?    Where was there loss?  Where was there mass experience?  Hmmm, what could it have been?   Oh, yeah, Covid.   


Saturn and Pluto do not form conjunctions that often because their odd shaped elliptical paths only cross 3 times every 100 years.    Such was the case this last century with conjunctions in 1914, 1947, 1982.   Once they connect through a conjunction, they begin a new journey that will usually have something significant come up around their squares and their oppositions.  For example, the window of 1980-1984 conjunction in Libra was followed by a square in 1992-1995 and an opposition in 2001-2002.      In the landscape of 1980-1984, the computer went from room sized blocks of tech in Fortune 500 companies to a two-foot box on a desk in homes across the world.    Pluto, never one to get lost in nuance also brought AIDS that also went across the world.   Then at the square (92-95) there was the First World Trade Center bombing and Bosnia and Rwandan leaders who were hell bent on destroying their population through genocide war crimes.     Of course by the time we got to the opposition (2001-2002) --- we got 9/11.    Okey Dokey.     


Once this new conjunction of 2020 took place we now put the upcoming squares and opposition on our radar which are: 

2028-2029:   Saturn in Taurus  Square 

2035-2026: Saturn in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius 

2044:  Saturn in Gemini Square Pluto in Pisces 


Saturn Semisquare Pluto is smaller but potent aspect that folds into these cycles as well which we are in the middle of one of those cycles: 

May 6, 2024 - Pluto 2 Aquarius 06

September 25 - Pluto 29 Cap 42 

January 26, 2025 – Pluto 1 Aquarius 53


In the United States, the Trump Campaign Finance Trial in NY and the student protests are pulling the focus of the media at this first hit of the aspect.   Perhaps there will be a tie into the events of now with events in September and January.    

Let’s watch this space. 

For more information in the conjunction, squares and oppositions of the past go to Jessica Davidson blog from 2019. 

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