Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Sagittarius Full Moon May 23, 6:53am pdt


You know who in the movie Gravity.  

Sagittarius Full Moon

May 23, 2024 

6:53 AM PDT 

2 Sag 55


 Once a year we get a full moon in Sagittarius where there is usually an extra spring in our step because everything seems like it is an adventure.     A trip to the post office could be part utilitarian part Cirque Du Solei.   You wake up in the morning prepared to do one thing and by the end of the day you are planning a weekend in Rome.    Full moon in Sag is about expanding our world.   For three days we are itching to get out there and do something that inspires us.   The gravity of Sag is immense.  

Sag full moon is also about tapping our inner Mayan Shaman, Wise Old Friar, or Tarot Guru.   We want to put together answers during the Sag full moon.   Big, wise, smart answers.  The only problem is the sun in Gemini is not about philosophy it is about data.   If the facts on the ground don’t match the Sag big opinions than the sun in Gemini says, “I’ll take ideas that are obsolete for $100.”    

A typical Sag full moon is a tricky balance of bringing in fresh new ideas but also comparing those ideas to our personal philosophy.   Do they line up?    Above all on the Sag full moon we can look in the mirror and be compelled to ask, “Am I walking my talk?   Because when Sag is misbehaving the hypocrisy is up.   

So above is a typical Sag Moon.  This full moon is all of that with added steroids.   Yep.  It’s a big-lotta-action moon. 

The chart and three-day full phase will be informed by Venus’s conjunction with Jupiter a few hours before the full moon perfects.    Oh, to be young and in love says Venus to Jupiter and they both tell Moon in Sag, “Can you hear us?  Do you remember how to lean into love and not just your big opinions?”     

There will be unfiltered large laughs.   Probably a lot of laughing at self and any weird landscape where we find ourselves. 

Jupiter, who is the largest planet in the zodiac, has been getting pinged a lot in the last few weeks.   At the end of April Jupiter got on top of Uranus to get an electric bolt of “time to shake things up”.   Now, it has Venus on top of Jupiter right as it gets his own special full moon. (Remember Sagittarius is ruled by Jupiter, so this is his full moon! )    The sun in Gemini is right next to Jupiter at 29 Taurus.  Phew! A bit of comfort in some Taurus slowness (thank god). The sun is in a sextile with Neptune melting our harsh corners.  This softening supports another important aspect, Sun trine Pluto which speaks to evolution.  We are learning as fast as we can, and this full moon accelerates our desire to evolve.   If there is any belief that is not working, we may fling it off and out of lives during this full moon.  No joke. 

Big and jovial Jupiter is spinning so fast and with that huge gravitational pull it is a wonder how we are standing.     Zapped by Uranus, then zapped by Venus, then the full moon and finally on May 25 Jupiter leaves sure and steady Taurus and moves into Gemini where it will be for a year.      Lord, deliver us.   Things are about to move so fast that the only thing we got is our gravity.   Maybe that is why we are ditching old behaviors that no longer work?   The adventure beyond this full moon may be calling us.   Follow the gravitational pull and see where you land.   

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