Saturday, August 30, 2014

What's Going on?

In honor of our last unofficial weekend of Summer.    I give you this song to get  your inner surfer going.

During the three-day weekend we are processing the Crescent phase of the moon.     As we know we are extra observant in this phase because information is coming to us in all shapes and sizes.   On this Crescent the accent is on:

Focus :  How does your schedule reflect balance?  What information are you learning that speaks of where you need to find balance?  What are you learning about how fine-tuning your relationship.  What are you learning that would be practical help in your relationships?  How is your partnership?  Are you more of a partner than you realized?  Are there weaknesses.

Then on Tuesday we move into  First Quarter Moon.   Any seeds we planted last week on the New Moon will now benefit by action.   Get some opinions from others.   Reach out to people who know more.  Water those seeds from sources that could feel ‘foreign’.

First Quarter Moon
September 2
7:11am EDT

Focus on:  What actions can you take that broaden your world?  What actions can you take that build bridges between worlds?  How are you making moves that expand your knowledge?  How can you act upon smart ideas and be impromptu? 

Special focus
9/3: Sun/Pluto:  The universe rewards transformations.  Do it right now, morph, transform, shape shift our world.
9/4: Mercury/Saturn.  Our thoughts feel frozen.  Our brains feel cold.  Our coldness is out.  We see the glass half empty.  Make it work for you, if you can.

Yeah, the 4th is a wee bit skanky.  

9/5: Venus in Virgo

Gibbous Moon
September 5
5:06pm EDT  

We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions. 

Focus on:
We fine tune our executive abilities.   How does our inner CEO need fine-tuning?  How are we super practical about our position out in the greater world?   How are we being quick on our feet in our career?  

Special Focus:
9/7: Mars/Neptune.  Temper Tantrums meet Drunks.   What needs laser attention?  What needs to dissolve?   What needs dreams?  What needs a a big cut?

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