Friday, October 28, 2022

Mars retrograde October 30


Mars ( 

All eyes on Mars 

Important Dates: 

Aug 20 Mars enters Gemini 

Sept 3:  Mars enters shadow (8 Gemini 8)

Sept 27: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 6)

Oct 11: Mars square Neptune (1 out of 3) 23 Gem/Pisces

October 30 Mars stations retrograde (25 Gemini 37)

Nov 19: Mars square Neptune (2 out of 3) 22 Gem/Pisces

Nov 28: Mars trine Saturn (19 Aquarius 43) 

Jan 12: Mars station direct (8 Gemini 8) 

Mar 14: Mars square Neptune (3 out of 3) 25 Gem/Pisces 

Mar 15 Mars exits shadow 

Mar 25: Mars enters Cancer 


As we discussed, all our eyes are on Mars.   Mars turns retrograde on October 30 (6:25am PDT) and heads back to where it was on September 3.   It will travel from 26 degrees of Gemini all the way back to 8 degrees of Gemini.  We will be challenged by a Cat 4 Information Hurricane.  Data flying in and out at a velocity that can be overwhelming.   

As for the accuracy of the information, that could be fuzzy.  Neptune is in the mix softening the facts.  There are three Mars squares Neptune on October 11, November 19, and March 14.    Our world may feel like it is painted by Impressionist artists.   We have the impression of facts, but they are not exactly crisp.    

There is some relief with Saturn who was in trine with Mars on September 27 and will do it again November 28.   Saturn sharpens some of the info around those dates.    There comes a rushing with Mars in Gemini, so we need to do our best to resist rushing and sloppiness.    As difficult as it can be, we should all build in extra time to get to any destination.   Return phone calls if you have enough time to take the call.   Rushing someone off the phone will be noted.   Being late for something will be noted.    Gossiping about something will be noted.     Yeah, Mars retrograde in Gemini is a piece of work.    But Gemini is the greatest pivoter on God’s green earth so we will be able to pivot and learn the value of making a quick change.   We will up our pivoting skills.  Using this Scorpio 29-day cycle to remind us of what is important and leaving the rest will be a good entrée to the five month journey of Mars in Gemini.   Those people who have planets between 8-26 degrees of Virgo, Sag, Pisces, and Gemini will find the mental turmoil and chaos of Mars retrograde troubling.  Dig deep, be willing to pivot and breathe your way through until the shadow ends on March 15.   Raising my hand btw!  I have 2 planets in that zone.  Sigh.  

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