November 30, 2023
7:41pm PST
Focus on: How are you sharing your emotions and asking for support? How are you sharing your emotions that connect to needs?
How are your emotions helpful to others?
Special focus:
12/1 : Mercury enter Capricorn
12/2 : Mercury sextile Saturn. Structured communication. Thoughts that bring out leadership and authority.
12 :3 : Venus square Pluto. Values, love, and creativity that are corrupted in their center will be pushed to evolve. Can Love of Power morph into the power of love?
Last Quarter Moon Phase
December 4, 2023
9:49 pm PST
Last Quarter moon: Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense. And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action. It is a time for living “The serenity prayer”
God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.
Focus on:
What final actions can you take that tie up loose ends? Are your actions based on anxiety or nerves? How does your calendar serve others?
Special focus
12/4: Venus enters Scorpio. Six weeks of deep values and transformation.
12/5: Venus trine Saturn. Structure around love and values.
12/6: Neptune station direct 24 Pisces 53 (see separate post)
12/7: Sun trine Chiron. Bridges to things or people that are ‘foreign’ can help wounds around self-agency and independence
12/7: Mercury trine Jupiter. Thinking that is big. Ideas that are global and far reaching.
Balsamic Moon Phase
December 08, 2023
3:43am PST
Balsamic: We let go. By releasing we can prepare for the new.
Focus on: How are you releasing anger? How are you releasing aggressiveness? How are you releasing your lethal side?
Special focus:
12/09: Venus oppose Jupiter. Big parties, big money, big Big feels too big. Values get extreme.
12/10: Venus sextile Mercury. Communication around values is supported.
December 12, 3:32pm PST (20 Sagittarius 40)
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