Saturday, June 8, 2024

Astrology for June 8 - Jun 16



 On the 8th we are still in the new moon phase.    Our intent still matters as we are seeding the lunar month.   Lean into Gemini with focus. 


This focus:    How am I getting information?  How am I communicating?  How am feeling stressed?  How do I get informed if I am feeling pressure?  How do I pivot?  How do I adapt?   Do I have to given anyone a Yes or No answer or can I give them a solid maybe?    


Special note:

6/8: Venus square Saturn.  (See separate post) 

6/8: Mars enters Taurus (See separate post)

6/9: Sun square Saturn (See separate post)

6/9: Mercury sextile N Node.  Our thinking gets a burst of energy.  Personal agency fills our thoughts. 



Crescent Moon Phase

June 9, 9:33pm PDT



Focus on: What are you learning about your strength?  What are you learning about your passion?  What are you learning about your ability to be daring?   What are you learning about being the center of attention?  What are you learning about pride?  What are learning about being a hero?   How are you researching the value of drama?  



Special Focus

6/11 : Mars square Pluto   (see separate post) 

6/12 : Mercury square Saturn (see separate post)

6/13 : Sun conjunct Mercury cazimi.  Fresh thinking.  Diversified thoughts.   We are mentally dexterous.   We are thinking of new ways to adapt.  





First Quarter Moon 

June 13, 2024 

10:18 pm PDT  



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that speak to bettering your efficiency?    How are your communication abilities improved by a well-run schedule?   When you say YES to doing something how does it inform your facts?  What new information do you learn?



Special Note


6/16 : Venus square Neptune.  Fuzzy love and values.  A feeling of love and money disappearing.  How do we find a new vision? 

6/16 : Venus enters Cancer 

6/17 : Mercury square Neptune.  Thinking is fuzzy, disillusioned, loss but also creative.  

6/17 : Mercury enter Cancer 

6/17 : Mercury conjunct Venus  0 Cancer 20.  Thoughts on love.  Values are in our brains.   Communicating love of things that are important to us. 


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