Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Capricorn Full Moon #1 - June 21, 6:07pm PDT


Capricorn Full Moon

June 21, 2024 

6:07pm PDT 

1 Capricorn 07 

Periodically we will have a year where there are two full moons in the same sign within thirty days.   Such is the case for 2024, on June 21st we have a full moon at one degree Capricorn then on July 21we have the second full moon at twenty-nine degrees of Capricorn. 

Every full moon speaks to the power of emotions through moon opposing the sun. The tension brings out hurdles and opportunities.   In this case the sun in Cancer understands that emotions guide us the best when we let them flow.    The Moon in Capricorn on the other side says, “Sure you can let them flow but let’s use those emotions to better our circumstances in the world”.    Capricorn gets twitchy when emotions just flow and flow and don’t result in anything.   Cancer gets backed up when emotions are ignored or frozen.      Finding a balance between Capricorn practicality and Cancer abundant feelings is our challenge.   

On the chart for the June full moon, we have the Sun in conjunction with Venus opposing the Moon.   Showing up for love will be paramount this three-day full moon.  We may be called to do something because our strong feelings are tapping Venus values.   Love is not just a mushy feeling that helps sell Hallmark greeting cards.   Venus knows what is important and Capricorn understands sacrifice.   Hardship and struggle for someone or something we love makes sense to Capricorn.     

The sun and the moon are both in square with Neptune.   This is what we call out-of-sign square because Neptune in Pisces is a natural square with Gemini and Sagittarius but in this case, the Sun is just barely out of Gemini and the moon is a smidge out of Sag so both are getting a fuzzy slam by Neptune.   We are challenged to be pragmatic (moon in Capricorn) with the guidance of our emotions (sun in Cancer) but at the same sense we may be separated from all the facts (Neptune).   We may not have all the answers or there could be something that feels ‘off’.    During this full moon we might want to pretend we are in the middle of a Mercury retrograde and double check everything.   Re-read the letter, re-count the numbers, go over the data again, double check appointments and reservations.    If fuzzy appears don’t let it throw off your game, stay cool.   Remember, this full moon is in the Gemini lunar month.   The New Moon in Gemini launched two weeks ago, and the greatest gift of Gemini –is learning to pivot.    Any challenges that come up with the full moon can help us learn how to adapt.    Adaptation is how species survive.   Ask Darwin.    Let’s stay cool as a cucumber on the Capricorn full moon.  Values are important, emotions are important, being sane and is important and if the circumstances change later, we must trust we’ll pivot again with sanity.   

Finally, the Moon is semi-sextile, and the Sun is inconjunct with Pluto.    This is a twenty-year journey that Pluto has begun, and we are at the very beginning of it at one degree of Aquarius.  Anytime Pluto is highlighted at the new and full moons we should take note.  The sun and moon in Cancer and Capricorn may get into tussles with each other but do at the end of the day understand one another.   Pluto in Aquarius just seems weird to them.   There could be something that comes up that we can’t get a handle on.   Just can’t wrap our head around it.      Watch for something weird or strange or perhaps technological to be in the news.  Or people doing something as a group that has you scratching your head, ‘hmm?”      Interesting, Pluto will be pronounced at the next full moon in Capricorn when it is in conjunction with the moon.   Whatever makes us scratch our head now in June could be louder in July.     Remember, Pluto speaks to evolution so there is something there for us to learn even if we don’t quite get it now.   

Take what you can from this full phase and if you need to improve your game next month you will have that opportunity at the second Capricorn full moon.    In the meantime, show up for love, even if it is hard.  Do it for you.    

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