Monday, June 24, 2024

Saturn Retrograde: June 29, 2024


June 29, 2024

12:06pm PDT 

Saturn station retrograde

19 Pisces 26 


March 23: Saturn enters shadow 

June 29:  Saturn station retrograde 19 Pisces 26

November 15: Saturn station direct 12 Pisces 42

Feb 18: Saturn exits shadow 



Saturn will retrograde every year, reminding us to slow down and ‘get’ the lesson of the sign.   Pisces can be very kind and sweet.  However, it also can be long on denial and delusion.  Pisces likes to avoid conflict and will hope and pray any challenge away.  Pisces also indulges in addictions and other escapism routes.   As one can imagine, Saturn is all about reality and pragmatism and takes issues head on.   If there are problems, habits and patterns, that need a reality check Saturn will find it . If it takes a retrograde of five months to clean out the Pisces fuzziness, then so be it.   


This Saturn retrograde will cover 12 – 20 degrees and anyone with planets at those degrees in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius will feel the Saturn retrograde.  Has anything come up since March 23 that required ‘reality check’?   Are there any hard lessons that are piercing some illusion?  Or maybe you have been looking the other way and during the retrograde you realize you can’t afford to be fuzzy or obtuse any longer.   We can all take a deep breath and figure out a way to deal with any denial in the most productive manner during the Saturn retrograde.   And if we don’t get it figured out by November 15 when the retrograde ends, it is possible by the time we get to February 18 when the shadow ends that we will be clear on solid new patterns, habits and structures that support better choices.  Let Saturn be your helper and editor in all your choices during this retrograde.    

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