Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Sun enters Cancer - A Very Special Solstice


Image from The Weather Network  

On June 20th at 1:51pm PDT the sun moves into Cancer setting off the season change.  In the north we move from spring to summer and below the equator it is moves from fall to winter.    This year the solstice is remarkable because it is the earliest solstice in over 200 years.   In an article in the Weather Network there is an explanation how the tilt of the earth, leap years, the different measurements of time over the centuries have distilled down to this fact:  This solstice is one of the earliest in over two hundred years.  

"Even taking into consideration that there was no daylight saving time back then, 2024's summer solstice is still earlier. We actually have to go all the way back to 1796 — 228 years ago — to find an earlier summer solstice."

We will also have the earliest equinox in the fall and the winter solstice (northern hemisphere) will be the earliest since 1797.     This is all remarkable when you consider we are also revisiting these same years from the 1700s with Pluto's entry into Aquarius.    Ah, maybe the John Adams from 2024 is on a beach somewhere applying sunscreen in between blogging? 

Enjoy the extra sunshine in the north and to our friends in the south sending you a roaring fire in a cozy fireplace. 

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