Monday, June 3, 2024

Saturn & Neptune: February 20, 2026


BTW - I am not sure why this video is age restricted.  

Saturn conjunction Neptune 
00 Aries 47  
February 20, 2026
6:38pm PST 

I have decided that one way to disseminate some of the bigger astrological aspects is to pull out discussions that I have read, followed, listened  or watched that I think you might find helpful.   I also think that getting way out in front of it, might also be an assist since it won't feel like any of us are cramming for an exam when the date is barreling down on us.  Let's start percolating on the aspect way in advance.    One such potent astro aspect in our future is the conjunction between Saturn and Neptune at 00 Aries 47.   Or the Zero-One degree of Aries. 

Saturn and Neptune forms a conjunction once every 36 years.  The last time they hooked up was 1989-90.   The two planets can conjunct in any sign but in the last two thousand years Saturn and Neptune have only conjunct in Aries a handful of times and only once at Zero-One Degree of Aries and that was in 4361 BCE.    That is a long time ago.   Accent on long.   Now we have it in our future.   

There are lots of discussions by various astrologers about how this could impact our world based on themes of the past.   I will find many of them that I will share with you between now and when the aspect takes place on February 20, 2026.   I thought I would start with this video because I think it is a good primer.    It is from the World Astrology Report with astrologers Dan Waites and SJ Anderson.   It was recorded in November of 2022.    The two of them talk a lot about calendars (created back in 4361 BCE) and the advent of coins,  international trade and important dates in Russian history.   I think you will find it all very interesting.  


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