Saturday, June 29, 2024

Astrology of July 1 - July 5.



We continue the Last Quarter moon on July 1.  This is the phase where we look back at the new moon of June 6-9 and consider any actions we need to do now that support what we started back then.   We also take a moment and reflect on how much we have had to pivot in the last three weeks?  How did our day start one way and ended up in a completely different manner by the end of the day?   How did we adapt?   Was it hard?  Was it easy?  Did we do it right away?  Or did it take us a beat?    All of that adaptability shows our skills on survival.   Now on this last quarter moon we consider if there are other adaptations we need to do?   


It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.



Focus on:

Where is there a place for you to share your independence?   Where do you need self-agency?   What actions can you take that have a fiery resolve?   How does all of this bring fresh information that impacts your communication? 


This week we have two contacts with Pluto.   


June 30: Moon square Pluto 

July 3: Mercury oppose Pluto  


As we discussed at the new moon, there are Hot Zones each month when there all planetary contacts with Pluto.  This inform us of the new terrain we are in with Pluto’s journey in Aquarius.  It is not meek or mild.  It could rattle deep inside us on a personal level (especially for folks with planets at 0-2 Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) and we will see it in the news as well.      





On July 2 the moon moves into balsamic phase and we release all that we have processed in the last month.   This includes are stubbornness.    Also, on July 2 Neptune begins its annual retrograde.   There is a lot of planetary aspects in the balsamic phase which will be stimulating and perhaps helps us in the process of ‘releasing’.   


Finally on July 5, the Cancer New Moon launches moving us into our ‘feeling’ month.   That report will be coming up in the next couple of days.  




Balsamic Moon Phase


July 2, 2024 

1:48 am PDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing stubbornness?  How are you releasing rigidity? How is it healing to let go of inflexibility?   



Special focus:


7/2: Neptune station retrograde 29 Pisces 56 (see separate post) 

7/2: Mercury trine Neptune.  Thinking of love and beauty and joy  

7/2: Mercury enter Leo

7/2: Sun square North Node.  Emotions and family versus independence.  How can we find the new path?  

7/2: Venus trine Saturn. Practical support to all we love and value. 

7/3: Mercury oppose Pluto (see Hot Zone)  

7/5: Mars sextile Saturn.  Concrete actions that tap our faith and spirituality.  



Cancer New Moon July 5, 3:57 pm 14 Cancer 23 

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