Sunday, August 11, 2024

Astrology for August 12- 18th


Astrology for August 12 – 18th


In my Leo report I described how the astro energy begins to intensify starting August 12 and continues until August 22.    This is a strong super-hot ten-day window.    


First Quarter Moon 

August 12, 2024 

8:18am PDT  


During the First quarter moon we are acting.  We are following up on things we started on new moon 8 days earlier.   This quarter moon is about release.  Some type of ‘death’ that brings ‘rebirth’.  


Focus on:   What actions are you taking that tap your transformative nature?  What brave actions do you need to take that tap your power?   What creative actions can you take that will give you strength to let go of anything that is not of or from love.   



On August 14th, Mars, THE energy, planet forms a conjunction with Jupiter at 16 degrees of Gemini.     Jupiter is about philosophy and beliefs.  It is also about judges and is concerned about fairness.  It is about rulings on laws.  Mars is the war planet.   Mars is aggression.  Mars is a bully.   In Gemini this conjunction suggests actions or talk of battles and war.   Given Mars and Jupiter are also in a wide inconjunct (out of sign) with Pluto in Aquarius, there is a hidden power at play.   Social media (Aquarius) could also be a factor.   Obviously, this aspect may bring an action that amplifies the wars in Israel and Ukraine.  But there could be a new war event in another part of the world.      While this aspect perfects on August 14th, the energy is building, and we may see a rough event before the exact date.  


Also, on August 14th Mercury returns to Leo reminding us to tap thoughts of love, creativity, joy and enthusiasm.    As Mercury treks back through Leo we could see heroic acts in the news.   On the 15th the Sun trines Chiron reminding us that there is power in seeking independence.  We can be creative and use our strength and love while also breaking through mental fears about doing something that stokes a fresh new path.   


On the 15th Mars squares Saturn.   All of that go go going energy on the 14th will hit the wall on the 15th.  If you have ever been in a car that had to slam the brakes super-fast, then you know it is a disorientating experience.   Hot meet cold.   Saturn is NO to Mars GO.  There could be a news event about news given Gemini is journalism.   Saturn is authority.   Will a news group get something wrong?   Will there be short circuit somewhere that has worldwide impact?  Saturn in Pisces prefers to live small and find compassion.  How does that work with knee jerk reactions by Mars in Gemini?  Will someone do a provocative action that is not thought out and creates big issues?  If the rhetoric is turned up high on the way to the 14th it may be followed for a call to bring down the heated conversation.    Also there could be issues with the ocean (Pisces) or floods.   


Gibbous Moon

August 16, 2024  

2:50 am PDT    


During Gibbous we refine. 


Special focus How are you refining your position in world?  What creativity are you bringing to your career?  How are you bringing your joy and creativity to your career?  What are you doing that allows you to shine like a star in your world?  



On August 18 we go back to the scene of the crime with Mercury square Uranus.    There are three exact squares between Mercury and Uranus.   The first one hit on July 21 which is tied to the Crowdstrike Patch colossal screw up.    On August 18th is the second hit and the final round will be on September 6.  All three of these aspects are around 27 degrees of Leo and Taurus.    Mercury in Leo is big so we should expect big again (Like Crowdstrike mess) and probably financial issue given Uranus in Taurus.  Also on the 18th, Mercury will conjunct the Sun tapping the power of Leo strength.   Thoughts of love will be pronounced.   Perhaps gratitude if marked safe from Big Tech mess ups.   


Also, on the 18th The Sun conjuncts Mercury.  Creativity, joy, enthusiasm and strength is found.   Because Mercury is retro this suggests we may have forgotten joy, strength and creativity in some manner.  We could be aware that something in our thinking and our communication is ‘off’ or they feel tired.   We want to be fresher.  


The gravity of the astrology is strong and about to get more intense with the Aquarius full moon which perfects on August 19th.    That will be in the next update.  



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