Wednesday, August 21, 2024

Uranus Station Retrograde: September 1



September 1, 8:17am PDT

27 Taurus 15 


May 15: Uranus enters shadow 23 Taurus 16

Sep 1: Uranus station retrograde 27 Taurus 15

Jan 30: Uranus station direct 23 Taurus 16

May 17: Uranus leaves shadow 27 Taurus 15


Because we know God has a sense of humor.  At the end of this tilt-o-world month where we expect insanity that hurts us in the marrow of our bones, we end the lunar month with the cuckoo planet, Uranus, stationing retrograde.  


Uranus in many ways has sucked up a lot of oxygen in 2024.  There was the Jupiter Uranus conjunction in May. Then there was Mars conjunction Uranus last month.  There is the Aquarius full moon squaring Uranus along with two squares by Mercury.   Uranus will be hanging out near the intense and difficult Agol for the rest of the year.  And now Uranus says, “Hey if it is okay with you I’m going to go backwards and do it again” Blech. 


This is the final year where Uranus is only in Taurus.  Uranus still has work to do in terms of new technology that impacts the territory of Taurus.  Taurus is agriculture.  Food.   Construction.   Buildings.   Uranus wants to make it all ‘new’.    Taurus is banking, money and investment.  There could be disruption on those issues.   The reversal of Uranus and any aspects during the retrograde will be on some level the second to last gasps of Uranus.   Look to see the breakthroughs that appear between now and January 30 when it turns direct.   

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