Friday, August 16, 2024

Jupiter Square Saturn: August 19


Jupiter square Saturn

August 19, 2024 (2:46pm PDT)

17 Gemini & Pisces 57 

Every twenty years Jupiter starts a new relationship with Saturn.  Four/five years later they then form a square.  Ten years later is the opposition and around 15/16 years later the final square.  Then they start fresh again around year 20.   

August 19th is the date of the first square between Jupiter and Saturn since they formed a conjunction on December 21, 2020, at zero Aquarius.   On the buildup to that conjunction, the electoral college officially affirmed Joe Biden’s Presidential win.  Trump claimed he was cheated, and his followers showed up on January 6 to stop the official process at the Capitol. An ugly event in US History.    Now we are at the first square at 28 degrees of Gemini and Pisces.   Jupiter squaring Saturn currently suggest an echo off the December 2020 period.   Jupiter in Gemini as discussed is high on rhetoric.  Communication can be too big.  Jupiter can appreciate peace, but it is also judgy.  Saturn in Pisces longs for deep compassion.  It understands hard work and struggle especially for the greater good. Jupiter wants to expand but Saturn restricts.  These two energies are at odds with one another.  This struggle will be evident.  There may be some big event that is deep in conflict or duplicate.   Because of Gemini watch for social media posts that are NOT accurate or strident opinions that feel off.    Beware of gossip.  Discipline could be difficult to find.  Or it may be found because there is no other choice.  Standing still could be important.   Retreat and contemplation may be needed.    

The next two dates for this aspect are December 24 at 14 Gemini and Pisces and June 15 at 18 degrees.  

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