Sunday, August 25, 2024

Pluto re-enters Capricorn for its final journey


On September 1st Pluto re-enters Capricorn.   This is it.  Between now and November 19th Pluto will do its final work in Capricorn.   This journey began in 2008 with the stock market crash and The Great Recession and the election of Barack Obama.  And the backlash to his election with the Tea party.     Pluto is the transformative planet.  In Capricorn we care about the systems that manage the public.  It is our government, it is our big business, it is our big banks, our big Wall Street and our big infrastructure.   Pluto continues to point out the weaknesses and flaws in these matters.     This last round of Pluto in Capricorn is also the final round of the USA Pluto return. In that window we have the election of November 2024 which is by all measures the most crucial election in modernity.  Pluto Capricorn  is a final opportunity for healing in a nation's Pluto return.    Then two weeks after the election Pluto leaves Capricorn for 240+ years and is in Aquarius until 2042.     


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