Monday, August 5, 2024

Mercury Retrograde August 4, 2024 - August 28


Mercury’s Journey 

July 16:  Mercury enters shadow 8:52pm PDT 

July 21: Mercury square Uranus 26 Taurus 53 

Aug 4: Mercury station retrograde 9:56pm PDT 4 Virgo 06

Aug 14: Mercury returns to Leo

Aug 18: Mercury square Uranus 27 Taurus 10 

Aug 18: Mercury conjunct Sun (cazimi) 6:58pm PDT 26 Leo 35

August 28: Mercury station direct 2:14pm PDT 21 Leo 24

Sept 6: Mercury square Uranus 27 Taurus 15

Sept 8: Mercury returns to Virgo 

Sept 11: Mercury leaves shadow 4:52pm PDT 


Obviously, there is the usual cuckoo with Mercury retrograde.   Things get lost, things are not in order, we think something is taken care of and it is not.   Mercury retrograde reminds us to slow down.   In the sign Virgo, which is ruled by Mercury, there is a real need to backtrack and take care of details even more than the usual retrograde.    It is as if, we have a radar that something is ‘off’ and we poke and dig and do that Virgo thing and bam we find it.    


We may learn something that is important to how we build out our daily schedule is off.  A workout routine is not good for our body or is causing issues.   A colleague we are working with is not as smart about the task at hand.  A plan and schedule that we thought was set in stone, on second thought will not offer the results we had hoped.   In Virgo, Mercury reminds us – “Oh, yeah, it is only about the details”.    When Mercury returns to Leo in the middle of the month, our thoughts go back to what we love and what inspires us.   We may ditch a whole bunch of plans because they do not distill to what is important in our hearts.    The shadow period started on July 16 so whatever comes up from then could be revisited and again until we clear the shadow on September 11.   If you mentally feel the chaos just keep August 28 (Mercury stations direct) and September 11 (clears the shadow) as your finish lines.  

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