Monday, August 5, 2024

The Eclipse Map & Two Big July Events


If you have not heard Chris Brennan’s August astrology forecast with Austin Coppock, I recommend it.   I always am impressed with their takes on the aspects, ingresses and historical references.   Sometimes when I am researching the planetary lineup, I will wonder how Team Chris will see it and am always pleased when we distill it in a similar manner.  Having said that they always bring something special to the forecast that is not on my radar.  


Case in point Austin brought up that he had heard from another astrologer that the two big events from July were in the path of the April Great American Eclipse.   He also said, “I haven’t double checked it but that is what I heard.”   This intrigued me and I looked it up.   He is correct, the CrowdStrike (cyber cluster f )is headquarters in Austin.   And in Pennsylvania the eclipse path was one small corner.  Butler County where the assassination attempt on Donald Trump was not in the exact path but it is close at 98.2% totality.   


The eclipse is in effect for six months so we should see if other events are in or near the path of totality. 

1 comment:

  1. Greš na 96. rojstni dan protiovčerejske diktatorke jesti nekam plačano jagnjetino. Poješ kar 2 porciji pečene jagnjetine. In 3 dni kasneje pa te veganski satan začne preganjati in zmerjati, da si blesav, ker si šel jesti jagnjetino. No potem pa še nekdo naj ne reče, da me vegani ne preganjajo.
