Sunday, September 15, 2024

Astrology of The Week of September 16 - 24


The Astrology of This Week

We start off the week with the final day of Gibbous Moon. 



We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Focus on:  


9/16: Venus oppose Chiron.  Striving for independence within relationships helps for better authenticity. 


Special focus How are you refining your friendships?  How are you refining your groups?  What refinement are you bringing to community?   How do the facts match up with your group inititatives?  


Then we move into Full Moon phase which is the Pisces Lunar Partial Eclipse.  

September 17, 2024

Full Moon – Pisces Lunar Eclipse 


7:34pm PDT

25 Pisces 41 


Separate Write Up 



Special focus 

9/18: Mercury oppose Saturn.  Thinking feels stressed and limited.  Options feel unworldly but are practical in a strange manner.  

9/19: Sun trine Uranus.  Details around our schedules gets an injunction of novelty and freshness.   

9/20: Sun oppose Neptune.   Vague feelings.  Not sure the real facts are being delivered.   At the same time if caught up too much in the weeds a break from reality may be needed. 




September 21, 2024 

12:26 am PDT        



Disseminating: Share information; find a teacher or someone who has more knowledge. Perhaps there was a big ol’ blow out on the full and one feels in need of support and help, this is the phase to reach out to one who knows more. This is when we find a rabbi or a minister or therapist who gives us more insight.   And of course, you too may be ready to teach and share your own information.  



Focus on:   How are you sharing your knowledge on money?  How are you sharing wealth?   How are you sharing the ability to build something from the ground up?   How are you sharing values? 


Special focus:

9/21: Mercury square Jupiter.   Finding the truth in the middle of big rhetoric.   Do big opinions match the truth of the situation?   Are the trees so vast you can’t see the forest?  What is the communication, and does it feel ‘off’? 

9/21:  Sun trine Pluto.  It is time for the schedule to be transformative.  Every choice we make determines our future down the road 

9/22: Sun enters Libra.   

9/22:  Venus square Pluto (29 Cap 44) the first bump with Pluto now that it has re-entered Capricorn.   Is our inner landscape in sync with our outer?   How is our love transforming our life?

9/22:  Venus enters Scorpio. 

9/24: Mercury trine Uranus.  Our thoughts and communication are spirited and fresh.  Novelty thoughts go far.  

September 17 at 7:34pm PDT - Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse


Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon 

September 17, 2024 

7:34pm PDT 

25 Pisces 40 

The Harvest Moon


On September 17 the Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse launches us into eclipse season.  

Every year there is a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse which are separated by two weeks.  Then six months later is another solar and lunar eclipse.     For two years the same signs get pinged then at the end two-year cycle there is a new sign that is folded in.    That new sign is this full moon. 

We are in the Aries/Libra cycle, but we are beginning the move towards Pisces/Virgo two-year cycle.  As we head to it in 2025 this partial lunar eclipse in Pisces is giving us a heads up.   This full moon is telling us, “Hey we’re going to be doing a lot of Pisces in the next couple years, so you might want to pay attention to me.” 

Getting our Pisces on means a willingness to be fuzzy and dreamy.  Things are not sharp or crisp focus.    Things feel muted.   I remember when I was in college, I was driving my roommate to our apartment, and it was raining hard.   There was water everywhere.   My windshield wiper broke and everything was soft focus.   I said to my friend, “It’s like we are driving in a Monet painting”.  Pisces the last water sign puts us all in an impressionist painting.    

Allowing yourself to be fuzzy and keep going even if it is by sitting or being intuitive.   Or being quiet.  This is Pisces. Let your inner psyche talk to you. Sure, you may get some psychic hits and prophetic dreams.  So, pay attention.      The Moon is in Pisces once a month but only once a year does it get a full moon, and this one has some extra juju because it is a partial eclipse and the Moon is connected to Neptune which brings us more ---hold for it…. fuzziness.   Yep, this three-day full moon is all about using our intuition in and out of situations.  Finding faith, spiritualty.  Pull out your tarot cards.   Burn a candle, maybe sage, just try to find the power in going Zen.  

It will be a tough time to show up with facts since we may not be given exact details but still, we know something.  Our guts could be getting our attention.   Our daydreams could be potent. Following conversations can be tricky.    A word here or there could send our mind into all kinds of curious corners.   

Before Neptune was discovered, Pisces was ruled by Jupiter.  On this chart for the new moon we have a T square.  Jupiter in Gemini is squaring Sun in Virgo and squaring Moon in Pisces.    Jupiter in Gemini is the year of big rhetoric, big conversation, big –‘let me connect the dots’ .    But the Moon in Pisces is not interested in the facts and the Sun in Virgo, does like data but it has a schedule to keep so it too can’t get too caught up in facts either.   The only way to find the forest for the trees is to use your intuition, creativity and finding your inner mind.       

In the meantime, don’t let the big mouths try to pull focus.

Jupiter is also in trine to Venus, which is a nice energy and suggests, let’s have fun and play.  Great full moon to get together with others but don’t bother telling anyone a long-detailed fact filled story because they will be distracted.   Instead ask questions and try to hear answers and yeah, maybe see people but then head home and put on a movie and call it a day. 

One of bonuses to this full moon is the Sun trine to Pluto which is all about cutting out the nonsense.   Maybe our guts tell us, “Oh why bother ___ (fill in the blank) ___?  I’m just going to let go and put on that movie again.” 

In two weeks, we will get the October solar eclipse in Libra which is a very different energy.   Between now and then let’s all just keep swimming. 

Friday, September 6, 2024

Pluto for the Next Eleven Weeks: The World is Watching the USA


Pluto Hot Zone 


On September 1st, Pluto returned to Capricorn where it will be until November 19.    The next eleven weeks are the final days of Pluto in Capricorn until it returns in 248 years.    That is a long time to get Pluto in Capricorn again so we can assume Pluto may be making the most of it in these next two and half months.    


As we have discussed a multitude of times in many of my astro reports we are also wrapping up the USA’s Pluto Return meaning Pluto is where (and near) it was in 1776 in the USA Sibley chart.   There are not a lot of countries who have a constitution last long enough to get a Pluto return so this is a rare experience to watch a nation work through this astrological aspect.    As an American astrologer, living in the USA, I can tell you, a nation’s Pluto return is not for the feint of heart.    


At the core of the Pluto return, we need to go back to the late 1770s and while the Boston tea party was one of the catalysts that sparked the American Revolution and Philadelphia was the home of the Continental Congress, the fact is that the men who drafted the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights were primarily Virginians.   1776 Virginia shaped the birth and future of USA which included protections of slavery.   This is America’s natal existence with a Pluto in Capricorn.    Pluto can be exceptionally cruel and Capricorn has a ruthless cold cruel streak.   At our roots, founding fathers protected slavery and of course the moneyed power.    This is our history.     


Our Pluto in Capricorn journey began in 2008 with the stock market crash, The Great Recession and the election of Barack Obama.  And the backlash to first black man elected POTUS with a boisterous Tea Party.   


Pluto is the transformative planet.  In Capricorn we care about the systems that manage the public.  It is our government, it is our big business, it is our big banks, our big Wall Street and our big infrastructure.   Pluto will no doubt continue to point out the weaknesses and flaws in those apparatuses.     Of course, these last days of Pluto in Capricorn could offer an opportunity for healing.   Maybe.  Maybe not.  Maybe it will showcase still more issues with our republic.     Or when Benjamin Franklin was asked, “Doctor, what have we got a Republic or a Monarchy?”  he replied, “A republic if you can keep it.” 


Anyway let’s keep our eye out on Pluto.  We can look at the opportunities for healings as more is exposed during any aspects by Pluto.   Depending on your chart some of it could be a personal healing as well.   Make the most of these aspects with Pluto in Capricorn and watch the news to see if there is any healing in the USA and the world.  And note that the Presidential Debate on September 10 is in Philadelphia where the chart for the USA was born.   The Universe has a sense of humor.  


Here are dates: 



9/6: Moon in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 55) 

9/14: Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto (29 Cap 49)

9/20: Moon in Aries square Pluto (29 Cap 45)

9/21: Sun in Virgo trine Pluto (29 Cap 44) 

9/22: Venus in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 44) 

9/25: Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto (29 Cap 42) 

9/26: Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto (29 Cap 42) 



10/4: Moon in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/11: Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/13: Mercury in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/17: Moon in Aries square Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/17: Venus in Scorpo sextile Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/22: Sun in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 40)

10/23: Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto (29 Cap 41) 

10/31: Moon in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 44) 




11/2: Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto (29 Cap 45)

11/3: Mars in Cancer oppose Pluto (29 Cap 45) *

11/7:  Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto (29 Cap 49) 

11/13: Moon in Aries square Pluto (29 Cap 54) 

11/19: Pluto re-enters Aquarius 

11/20: Moon in Leo oppose Pluto Aquarius (00 AQ 01) -a new day 

11/21: Sun in Sag sextile Pluto (00 AQ 02)




Mars oppose Pluto will have 3 hits.  Nov 3 (29 Cap 46), January 3 (1AQ 08) and April 26 (3 Aquarius 48)   

Thoughtful Books For Our Final Days of The Pluto USA Return



In 2007 when Pluto was transitioning between Sagittarius and Capricorn, I bumped into a video by Annie Leonard called "The Story of Stuff" .  It was outstanding.   Even though, I have always lived in small homes and am not a huge consumer, I still took note of issues for me to consider.   The Story of Stuff Project took off like a firestorm as people began to have honest conversations about consumption (much of it mindless)  But of course as an astrologer I saw the value in the video as it spoke to Pluto's then new journey into Capricorn.     When we buy buy buy comes at a cost to humans and our planet.  

I have a BA in USA History, (no doubt due to my Moon in Cancer) and I spend a lot of time researching local history.   History is my feel-good spot.   I enjoy watching videos like Story of Stuff but since that time online videos have flooded our devices and sometimes I just want to read a book.    Over the last few years, as America headed towards the USA Pluto return, I found myself double downing in books that address the systematic problems in America's history and America's now. 

I am not going to lie, I had hoped that more would be fixed by now as Pluto prepares to exit Capricorn and enter Aquarius but god knows Pluto rules pipes and plumbing and maybe we are to recognize the leaks and clogs in our nation during Capricorn and perhaps when Pluto is in Aquarius, masses of people will advocate and pressure leaders and communities to fix our issues and evolve more for a more equitable nation.   Of course, The Constitution was written when Pluto was in Aquarius.   So was the French Revolution but we'll save topic for another day.  

A few days ago, Pluto returned to Capricorn where it will be for only eleven weeks.   Once it leaves the Capricorn it will have completed its extraordinary Pluto return and won't be repeated for 240 years.    My own take is that there can be a healing, and it can be our north star but first we need to know what needs to be healed.  

With that in mind I would like to offer up books I have read in the last two years which I think speak to the healing of which our nation would benefit.    Maybe some seeds will be planted now in these final eleven weeks and as Pluto moves into Aquarius, we will get resolution.   I am with optimism but then again I have Venus is in Aquarius.  




The Privatization of Everything by Donald Cohen and Allen Mikalian 


Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson 

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How we can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee  

Dying of Whiteness:  How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland 

By Jonathan Metzl 

Caste by Isabel Wilkerson 


We Were Eight Years in Power:  An American Tragedy  by Ta-Nehisi Coates 


Paradise: One Town’s Struggle to Survive an American Wildfire by Lizzie Johnson 

We have a lot of work in front of us and I hope Pluto can get us there one way or another.  


There’s an oft quote about America which is attributed to Winston Churchill, although there is no citation, the sentiment lines up with Churchill (who had a mom from Brooklyn, by the way) goes something like this  

 “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”   


Astrology for September 6 - 13

Crescent Moon Phase

September 6, 2024

10:29pm PDT



Crescent:  We will receive information, we will research a bit more, perhaps get feedback on stuff that we planted on new.  Perhaps get some information that will help down the road on a seed we planted a while ago.  We can collect some data now.  Even if you think you are not getting information, stop, and re-look at everything.  Who called you?  Even the silliest things when they come up during Crescent are note worthy.  A parking ticket.  An argument with a spouse?  A refund check from the phone company?  No matter how mundane it arrives, consider it as message.  How can this information help you?


Focus on: What are you learning about your shared resources?  What are you learning about the debris that is backing you up?   What are you learning about depth?   What are you learning about strength through will power?   What are you learning about sex, taxes and death?  


Special Focus

9/6: Mercury square Uranus ---third round (see separate post)

9/6: Moon in Libra square Pluto (see separate post) 

9/7: Sun oppose Saturn:  Details versus fuzzy.  Is there a lie swimming around you?  How do you get quiet and find an answer?   

9/8: Mercury re-enters Virgo.  Now that the retrograde is over Mercury returns to Virgo and we double down in cutting out the debris including our misguided thoughts.  


First Quarter Moon 

September 10,  2024 

11:05pm PDT  




Focus on:   What actions are you taking that broaden your perspective?   What actions are you taking that match your philosophies?   What actions are you taking that are born out of education or getting educated?    What actions are  you taking that lean into thoughtful judgements?  




Special Note


9/11:  Mercury exits shadow (4 Virgo 06) We have cleared the retrograde that started July 16.   New opportunities and new themes are ready to emerge. 

9/11 : Mercury sextile Mars.  Thoughts and actions are in sync.  Walking our talk is a priority.  

9/12:  Sun square Jupiter:   Watch the thinking.  Is it too in the weeds?  Is there too many dots being connected?  Are big opinions rooted in the truth on the ground?   



Mercury Square Uranus -- The Third Round


Image from Horoscopes at Astro 

 Mercury square Uranus (Sept 6), this aspect happens a couple times every year however, this summer’s Mercury retrograde means we have a bonus square.   Through the mundane astrology (world view) there were events around the first two dates that were big.  We will probably see the theme continue at the third hit.  

July 21, 2024 – first square – Joe Biden steps down from the presidential ticket.  
August 19, 2024 – second square – Harris & Walz now on the ticket hit battleground states.  
September 6, 2024 (9:20pm PDT)– third square 

It is possible there can be an event that lines up with the aspect on September 6 but it could take place after the date.    Curiously,  on Sept 5, former President Trump spoke at the Economic Club of New York, and said he would bring Elon Musk to head a financial audit of the USA.    There is your Uranus in Taurus.     Watching how Musk devalued Twitter, makes me wonder why anyone would want Elon in that role.   But okay.   Additionally, when asked about child care, Trump delievered by any measure a most incoherent response.    Clearly there's the square at play.  

Oh well, we'll watch this space and see how else the square may manifest.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024

Virgo New Moon: September 2, 2024. 6:55pm PDT


Virgo Wikipedia - Urania Constellation Cards 

September 2, 2024

11 Virgo 04 

6:55pm PDT 

In all the strum and drung that is our current astrological era, we welcome a 29 day Virgo lunar month so we can drill down on our calendars and schedules because what we do now in a daily manner is a looking glass into our future.  Virgo rules our calendars and our daily tasks.  Let's be thoughtful, it's only our future.  

You will find my New Moon Article HERE