Friday, September 6, 2024

Mercury Square Uranus -- The Third Round


Image from Horoscopes at Astro 

 Mercury square Uranus (Sept 6), this aspect happens a couple times every year however, this summer’s Mercury retrograde means we have a bonus square.   Through the mundane astrology (world view) there were events around the first two dates that were big.  We will probably see the theme continue at the third hit.  

July 21, 2024 – first square – Joe Biden steps down from the presidential ticket.  
August 19, 2024 – second square – Harris & Walz now on the ticket hit battleground states.  
September 6, 2024 (9:20pm PDT)– third square 

It is possible there can be an event that lines up with the aspect on September 6 but it could take place after the date.    Curiously,  on Sept 5, former President Trump spoke at the Economic Club of New York, and said he would bring Elon Musk to head a financial audit of the USA.    There is your Uranus in Taurus.     Watching how Musk devalued Twitter, makes me wonder why anyone would want Elon in that role.   But okay.   Additionally, when asked about child care, Trump delievered by any measure a most incoherent response.    Clearly there's the square at play.  

Oh well, we'll watch this space and see how else the square may manifest.  

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