Friday, September 6, 2024

Thoughtful Books For Our Final Days of The Pluto USA Return



In 2007 when Pluto was transitioning between Sagittarius and Capricorn, I bumped into a video by Annie Leonard called "The Story of Stuff" .  It was outstanding.   Even though, I have always lived in small homes and am not a huge consumer, I still took note of issues for me to consider.   The Story of Stuff Project took off like a firestorm as people began to have honest conversations about consumption (much of it mindless)  But of course as an astrologer I saw the value in the video as it spoke to Pluto's then new journey into Capricorn.     When we buy buy buy comes at a cost to humans and our planet.  

I have a BA in USA History, (no doubt due to my Moon in Cancer) and I spend a lot of time researching local history.   History is my feel-good spot.   I enjoy watching videos like Story of Stuff but since that time online videos have flooded our devices and sometimes I just want to read a book.    Over the last few years, as America headed towards the USA Pluto return, I found myself double downing in books that address the systematic problems in America's history and America's now. 

I am not going to lie, I had hoped that more would be fixed by now as Pluto prepares to exit Capricorn and enter Aquarius but god knows Pluto rules pipes and plumbing and maybe we are to recognize the leaks and clogs in our nation during Capricorn and perhaps when Pluto is in Aquarius, masses of people will advocate and pressure leaders and communities to fix our issues and evolve more for a more equitable nation.   Of course, The Constitution was written when Pluto was in Aquarius.   So was the French Revolution but we'll save topic for another day.  

A few days ago, Pluto returned to Capricorn where it will be for only eleven weeks.   Once it leaves the Capricorn it will have completed its extraordinary Pluto return and won't be repeated for 240 years.    My own take is that there can be a healing, and it can be our north star but first we need to know what needs to be healed.  

With that in mind I would like to offer up books I have read in the last two years which I think speak to the healing of which our nation would benefit.    Maybe some seeds will be planted now in these final eleven weeks and as Pluto moves into Aquarius, we will get resolution.   I am with optimism but then again I have Venus is in Aquarius.  




The Privatization of Everything by Donald Cohen and Allen Mikalian 


Democracy Awakening by Heather Cox Richardson 

The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How we can Prosper Together by Heather McGhee  

Dying of Whiteness:  How the Politics of Racial Resentment is Killing America’s Heartland 

By Jonathan Metzl 

Caste by Isabel Wilkerson 


We Were Eight Years in Power:  An American Tragedy  by Ta-Nehisi Coates 


Paradise: One Town’s Struggle to Survive an American Wildfire by Lizzie Johnson 

We have a lot of work in front of us and I hope Pluto can get us there one way or another.  


There’s an oft quote about America which is attributed to Winston Churchill, although there is no citation, the sentiment lines up with Churchill (who had a mom from Brooklyn, by the way) goes something like this  

 “Americans can always be trusted to do the right thing, once all other possibilities have been exhausted.”   


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