Friday, September 6, 2024

Pluto for the Next Eleven Weeks: The World is Watching the USA


Pluto Hot Zone 


On September 1st, Pluto returned to Capricorn where it will be until November 19.    The next eleven weeks are the final days of Pluto in Capricorn until it returns in 248 years.    That is a long time to get Pluto in Capricorn again so we can assume Pluto may be making the most of it in these next two and half months.    


As we have discussed a multitude of times in many of my astro reports we are also wrapping up the USA’s Pluto Return meaning Pluto is where (and near) it was in 1776 in the USA Sibley chart.   There are not a lot of countries who have a constitution last long enough to get a Pluto return so this is a rare experience to watch a nation work through this astrological aspect.    As an American astrologer, living in the USA, I can tell you, a nation’s Pluto return is not for the feint of heart.    


At the core of the Pluto return, we need to go back to the late 1770s and while the Boston tea party was one of the catalysts that sparked the American Revolution and Philadelphia was the home of the Continental Congress, the fact is that the men who drafted the Declaration of Independence, The Constitution and The Bill of Rights were primarily Virginians.   1776 Virginia shaped the birth and future of USA which included protections of slavery.   This is America’s natal existence with a Pluto in Capricorn.    Pluto can be exceptionally cruel and Capricorn has a ruthless cold cruel streak.   At our roots, founding fathers protected slavery and of course the moneyed power.    This is our history.     


Our Pluto in Capricorn journey began in 2008 with the stock market crash, The Great Recession and the election of Barack Obama.  And the backlash to first black man elected POTUS with a boisterous Tea Party.   


Pluto is the transformative planet.  In Capricorn we care about the systems that manage the public.  It is our government, it is our big business, it is our big banks, our big Wall Street and our big infrastructure.   Pluto will no doubt continue to point out the weaknesses and flaws in those apparatuses.     Of course, these last days of Pluto in Capricorn could offer an opportunity for healing.   Maybe.  Maybe not.  Maybe it will showcase still more issues with our republic.     Or when Benjamin Franklin was asked, “Doctor, what have we got a Republic or a Monarchy?”  he replied, “A republic if you can keep it.” 


Anyway let’s keep our eye out on Pluto.  We can look at the opportunities for healings as more is exposed during any aspects by Pluto.   Depending on your chart some of it could be a personal healing as well.   Make the most of these aspects with Pluto in Capricorn and watch the news to see if there is any healing in the USA and the world.  And note that the Presidential Debate on September 10 is in Philadelphia where the chart for the USA was born.   The Universe has a sense of humor.  


Here are dates: 



9/6: Moon in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 55) 

9/14: Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto (29 Cap 49)

9/20: Moon in Aries square Pluto (29 Cap 45)

9/21: Sun in Virgo trine Pluto (29 Cap 44) 

9/22: Venus in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 44) 

9/25: Mercury in Virgo trine Pluto (29 Cap 42) 

9/26: Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto (29 Cap 42) 



10/4: Moon in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/11: Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/13: Mercury in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/17: Moon in Aries square Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/17: Venus in Scorpo sextile Pluto (29 Cap 39)

10/22: Sun in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 40)

10/23: Moon in Cancer oppose Pluto (29 Cap 41) 

10/31: Moon in Libra square Pluto (29 Cap 44) 




11/2: Mercury in Scorpio sextile Pluto (29 Cap 45)

11/3: Mars in Cancer oppose Pluto (29 Cap 45) *

11/7:  Moon in Cap conjunct Pluto (29 Cap 49) 

11/13: Moon in Aries square Pluto (29 Cap 54) 

11/19: Pluto re-enters Aquarius 

11/20: Moon in Leo oppose Pluto Aquarius (00 AQ 01) -a new day 

11/21: Sun in Sag sextile Pluto (00 AQ 02)




Mars oppose Pluto will have 3 hits.  Nov 3 (29 Cap 46), January 3 (1AQ 08) and April 26 (3 Aquarius 48)   

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