Sunday, September 15, 2024

September 17 at 7:34pm PDT - Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse


Partial Lunar Eclipse Full Moon 

September 17, 2024 

7:34pm PDT 

25 Pisces 40 

The Harvest Moon


On September 17 the Pisces Partial Lunar Eclipse launches us into eclipse season.  

Every year there is a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse which are separated by two weeks.  Then six months later is another solar and lunar eclipse.     For two years the same signs get pinged then at the end two-year cycle there is a new sign that is folded in.    That new sign is this full moon. 

We are in the Aries/Libra cycle, but we are beginning the move towards Pisces/Virgo two-year cycle.  As we head to it in 2025 this partial lunar eclipse in Pisces is giving us a heads up.   This full moon is telling us, “Hey we’re going to be doing a lot of Pisces in the next couple years, so you might want to pay attention to me.” 

Getting our Pisces on means a willingness to be fuzzy and dreamy.  Things are not sharp or crisp focus.    Things feel muted.   I remember when I was in college, I was driving my roommate to our apartment, and it was raining hard.   There was water everywhere.   My windshield wiper broke and everything was soft focus.   I said to my friend, “It’s like we are driving in a Monet painting”.  Pisces the last water sign puts us all in an impressionist painting.    

Allowing yourself to be fuzzy and keep going even if it is by sitting or being intuitive.   Or being quiet.  This is Pisces. Let your inner psyche talk to you. Sure, you may get some psychic hits and prophetic dreams.  So, pay attention.      The Moon is in Pisces once a month but only once a year does it get a full moon, and this one has some extra juju because it is a partial eclipse and the Moon is connected to Neptune which brings us more ---hold for it…. fuzziness.   Yep, this three-day full moon is all about using our intuition in and out of situations.  Finding faith, spiritualty.  Pull out your tarot cards.   Burn a candle, maybe sage, just try to find the power in going Zen.  

It will be a tough time to show up with facts since we may not be given exact details but still, we know something.  Our guts could be getting our attention.   Our daydreams could be potent. Following conversations can be tricky.    A word here or there could send our mind into all kinds of curious corners.   

Before Neptune was discovered, Pisces was ruled by Jupiter.  On this chart for the full moon we have a T square.  Jupiter in Gemini is squaring Sun in Virgo and squaring Moon in Pisces.    Jupiter in Gemini is the year of big rhetoric, big conversation, big –‘let me connect the dots’ .    But the Moon in Pisces is not interested in the facts and the Sun in Virgo, does like data but it has a schedule to keep so it too can’t get too caught up in facts either.   The only way to find the forest for the trees is to use intuition, creativity and find your inner mind.       

In the meantime, don’t let the big mouths try to pull focus.

Jupiter is also in trine to Venus, which is a nice energy and suggests, let’s have fun and play.  Great full moon to get together with others but don’t bother telling anyone a long-detailed fact filled story because they will be distracted.   Instead ask questions and try to hear answers and yeah, maybe see people but then head home and put on a movie and call it a day. 

One of bonuses to this full moon is the Sun trine to Pluto which is all about cutting out the nonsense.   Maybe our guts tell us, “Oh why bother ___ (fill in the blank) ___?  I’m just going to let go and put on that movie again.” 

In two weeks, we will get the October solar eclipse in Libra which is a very different energy.   Between now and then let’s all just keep swimming. 

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