Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Astrology This Week

 Yesterday (Monday) we  moved out of Pisces Full Moon Lunar eclipse phase into Disseminating.   This is a gentler cycle and probably full of a lot of action as we focus on building up or rebuilding a new path.    For three days look at doors that open or emotions that seem more secure and build upon it.  Watch how teachers may pop up and walk in with a road map.    Or you may provide your own road map.  It is not a long road map.  Just a little bit but enough to help what ever is going on . 

Late in the evening on the 21st for pacific time and early in the morning for east coast time zone… Mercurywill turn direct.      Thank goodness that little period will be wrapping up for all of us.    Our next Mercury retrograde comes up in the middle of December. Where we tackle our inner CEOs.   That executive inside us that knows we can do better.   Whole new agenda for the Mercury retrogrades in 2017 when it is the cardinals.  Watch that space going forward.  In the meantime we will give our brains a rest as we have a new focus about our beliefs, our schedules and our ability to mean what we say.     Bask in it.
 On the 22 we move into Fall and the first day of Libra.   Reach out to a buddy or lover.   Wake up willing to Relate.   

On the 23 we move into Last Quarter Moon with the focus on our emotions, family and home.    See how sober you feel about all of it.

Next week Pluto turns direct.    Post will follow on that in the next few days.

September 19
9:13pm EDT

Focus on:  How are you sharing your resources?  How are you sharing your values?  How are you sharing building blocks?  How are others sharing with you building blocks they use to structure something big?  How do they do it every day?  If you aren’t learning that, why not? 

Special focus:
9/22:  Mercury Turns Direct.  Hooray!  1:30am EDT 10:30pm 9:21 Pacific time. 
9/22: Sun enters Libra  10:21am
9/23: Mercury trine Pluto.   Evolution in thinking.  Empowered thinking.  

Last Quarter Moon Phase
September 23, 2016
5:56am EDT

Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living  “The serenity prayer

God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.

Focus on:
What actions are you taking that support your emotions?  How can these actions be applied in a daily fashion?  How can your action about your emotions be applied to your family?  What is the status of your home?  How is it working and supportive to your daily life?   And if not, why not?  

Special focus:
9/23: Venus enters Scorpio.  Depth in love.  Empowerment in values.  Money and resources deepen.  
9/25: Sun conj Jupiter.  Partnerships and balance  expand. 
9/26: Pluto Direct 11:01am what have we learned since …..

Balsamic Moon Phase
September 26
9:38pm EDT

Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new. 

Focus on We release our ego.  We release our ‘big shotness’.  We release desire to be strong.    

Special focus:

9/27: Mars enters Capricorn

1 comment:

  1. Bagus sekali artikelnya, sukses ya min. ditunggu informasi lainnya :)
