Aloe Vera ruled by Scorpio
Scorpio Full Moon
May 7, 2020
3:45am PDT
17 Scorpio 20
On the Scorpio Full Moon we find our strength by going deep into our reserves. Scorpio is the second water sign in the zodiac. Cancer the first water sign speaks to big emotions crashing on a shore. Pisces is the water in the depths of the ocean with all its curious unseen unworldly sea creatures. Scorpio is water that can flow like a run-a-muck river spilling out of its banks. Destructive for sure, but also provides rich nutrients that can be tapped later by farmers. It is also the water in a river harnessed by dams, providing both water and electrical power for hundreds of miles.
Deep inside of all of us is a power waiting to be tapped. We drill into this resource through our extreme emotions. The emotions that sound like: Black or white. Yes or no. All or none. Everyone or no one. While some of us may be very measured with emotions all year long which can make for an easier process of our feelings, we could be cutting ourselves out of the power that comes from tapping those deep feelings. It could look thorny (jealousy and rage) or it could be no nonsense, “I’m done” but it is not subtle. Use these feelings to tell you something. Maybe you need a good bout of jealousy to get you off your butt to do whatever it is that has felt out of your grasp for years. It is worth noting that plants that are ruled by Scorpio are thorny and grow in extreme landscapes like a desert. Where others fail, Scorpio thrives. Would the extreme landscape be a feeling of lost, less than, ennui or depression? It is possible. But accessing those feelings will give you the gift of a real change and/or an evolution.
Most of us are trapped in our homes, how perfect Scorpio. We can all look to our feelings to guide us on the Full Moon without distraction, that is a gift.
The chart of the full moon has a strong aspect to Mercury and Neptune. Mercury is light and dexterous and on top of the Sun in Taurus opposing the watery moon. While the Moon wants the depth of emotions, Mercury wants to analyze the hell out of the emotions. This is fine as long as you don’t rationalize yourself out of the feelings. Remember, we must feel in order to get to the transformation and power. We also want something tangible and practical (Taurus) and money/loans/properties also speak to the full moon. Some of us may realize while we are all in this global time out that we need to make real changes in our lives. What was fine before Covid is not what we want going forward. Mercury will help us figure out some ideas.
Neptune will provide some kind of unworldly component to the three -day phase. Our psychic animal inside us may growl, bark and purr to get our attention. Is it a dream that speaks to us? Is it a feeling about ‘someone’ or a situation? Is it just a random thought that triggers a deep emotion? See if something speaks to you or just some weird random situation/comment activates something bigger.
One last thought—Saturn conjunct Pluto took places on January 12th. That aspect is still unpacking itself (Covid-19 for example) in the world. The full moon in Scorpio may have added information for us all since it is the sign associated with Pluto. Watch the three days and see if there is a call back to January.
Danes je televizija prišla snemati gajsko crkovalnico kako ima lastnica te kmetije to živino za crkavat, pokopavat in da fehta za denar. V soboto bo verjetno ta oddaja na sporedu, kako bo lastnica te crkovalnice fehtala za denar za hrano za živino in da odplača kredit za to crkovalnico. Če bi ta kmetija imela pravi smisel bi televizija lahko prišla snemati kako velika je ta ovčerejska kmetija in kako se tukaj na ražnju vrti jagnje in je ta okusna jagnjetina.