Associated Press -- BEIJING -- An explosion in a Chinese coal mine killed 20 and trapped more than 30 workers underground Saturday in the country's central region, state media reported.
The China blast comes shortly after the world was riveted by the Chile's dramatic rescue of 33 trapped miners after they spent more than two months underground.
China Central Television said the blast happened Saturday morning in Henan province. An official surnamed Wu with the province's coal mine safety bureau confirmed accident but had no details.

At the same time the Chilean Miners were being rescued the earth shook in Oklahoma. On Wednesday a 4.3 quake hit just outside Oklahoma City. The last time that happened was in 1950. The most curious note is that this was a fault no one knew about. As one who remembers Northridge quake in 1994, on a unknown fault, they can still rattle your nerves.
Curiously, I had conversation with a friend yesterday and she said, "I think we here in California are going to get a quake around Thanksgiving.' The last sort of big one here was on Easter so I guess a holiday is just as good a day as another.
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