Today: October 8, 3:05am Venus retrogrades.
Of course I mentioned Venus Retrograde in my new moon. If you missed it:
Venus Retrograde Now one thing that is very curious is that Venus which is Libra’s ruling planet is turning retrograde less than 24 hours into the new moon at 3:05am October 8. Venus is the planet of creativity, resources and values. Of course since we value both Love and Money then they also fall under Venus’ jurisdiction. Does it not strike a loud note in you that we are in the midst of overhauling our relationships and the way we do partnerships and the way we negotiate our way through life and here is Venus the planet of values turning retrograde? Perhaps this will be the exact energy many of us need to readjust our lives to fit our ‘real’ selves. But it will not be without a moment or two of some inner reflection.
Venus will make the big turnaround at 14 degrees of Scorpio. So, the values that first get churned up will be Scorpio which is sex, death and rebirth, evolution, loans, big money and power. Between October 8 and November 7 watch and see if those (Scorpio) issues get your attention. Then between November 7 and November 18 we will be churned up even more about our relationships and how we balance ourselves and how we relate to our partner. Do we have to hide ourselves in order for our partner to be who he or she is? Or do they hide in the background while we express who we are? Do we really work in unison? Is there an area of our relationship that is fake? And how did the stuff that got churned up between October 8 and November 7 impact us so much that we are really looking at our partner or relationships and thinking, “Holy shit I have got to make some changes.” Then on November 18 Venus will turn direct and we will feel relief. By then, all the work we did for the last six weeks will finally start to make sense. First by having us adjust our way of ‘partnering’ and then between November 29 and January 8 by having us fix our sex, death & rebirth, evolution loans, big money and power again. Do you see how it is all one big circle? And all of it happening on the Libra lunar cycle. It is reminds me of algebra class Relationship squared plus Relationship Squared.
The ‘Castle of Venus’, a really existing place on this Earth:
Interesting to reflect on it in these Venus retrograde times...
Uncanny how accurate this post is for me, Tracy.