Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Cancer New Moon

Cancer New Moon
July 15, 2015
9:24pm EDT
23 Cancer 14

This is NO small new moon.  This is no run of the mill 29 day lunar cyle.  Nope.
I put the whole article here on Margaret Wendt's website

Read it all. Absorb it.  And let's get cooking.    I also put up Vivaldi's Summer to inspire you on your quest to find your real roots.

Here's a snippet.

Cancer New Moon

Treasure Map Check In
Let’s get through a couple pieces of business before we get into the nuts and bolts of Cancer New Moon.    Back in April during Aries New Moon we launched our Treasure Maps.    We cut and pasted and wrote and searched and printed and painted and did what ever we could to put our goals for the New Year on a poster board (or cyber page).    We set our goals and intentions.   We dreamed big.   Now on Cancer New Moon we look at our Treasure Maps and we take a moment to assess.   What results have occurred that speak to our goals?   Acknowledge the movement.  Perhaps you will say a prayer of gratitude and thanks to your maker.    If you look at your map and feel the need to clarify some points, take the first few days of Cancer New Moon to add (or remove) items on your map. Perhaps you need to add a few words or a photo just for clarification.   And if it seems to you that your goals have not sprung green sprouts as of yet, take a breath, thank your map for being there and pray for patience and trust.   Remember we have nine more months.  Let’s see what comes up.   And be grateful you have your map to remind you of your goals.

Cancer The First Water Sign
Cancer is the first water sign of the zodiac and puts our emotions and our feelings out front.   We have wrapped up Gemini that spoke to our brain and our mental wiring.  Now we are focused on the emotions that rise up in us when we are confronted with anything pleasant or unpleasant.     Cancer is similar to the water in the ocean.  At times it is small waves lapping up on the shore at other times it is powerful large waves pounding the coast.   Same water molecules but totally different heights and force.   The trick with Cancer is figuring out a way to process those emotions.   Sometimes they flood all over the place and sometimes they are a trickle.   But if we process and perhaps harness the emotions we can accomplish a lot.   However, here is what does NOT work with Cancer energy—denying our emotions.    The emotions are there to send a message to us.   Denying them is a waste of time and misguided.    What is more important is to feel the emotions and with this particular Cancer New Moon chart it is to use those emotions to get us to a new ‘spot’.

This Cancer New Moon chart has a number of highlights.   The Sun and Moon trine Saturn and the Sun/Moon square Uranus.  Mars and Mercury are also in a wide conjunction with the Sun and Moon.   This is a lot of action for the second cardinal and the first water sign.    The key word for this Cancer cycle is:  MOVEMENT.  But that movement is based on roots.   Huh?  How can something that is rooted be capable of moving?    Ah, good question and we will rub up against the answer(s) all 29 days.     Let’s get started. 

Big Ol’ Happy Baby
There is a TV commercial that whenever it comes on I stop and have to watch it.  The commercial is silly. It shows a giant baby in a parking spot, on a drive way and in a parking lot.   We see a man spraying the baby with a hose, or racing to protect it when a shopping cart bumps into it.   This giant baby is supposed to be the man’s car.  He doesn’t see the car; instead, he sees the car as a baby.   It is a silly commercial for I think auto insurance.  I am confused about the product because I’m stuck on the smiling big baby who is quite compelling.  It is impossible to not smile when you see this big happy baby.

So, why on god’s green earth am I writing about a big ol’ happy baby on Cancer New Moon?    Because that image is important to the root of Cancer.   ....there is a lot more....please... go to link for whole article.  

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