Saturday, June 29, 2024

Astrology of July 1 - July 5.



We continue the Last Quarter moon on July 1.  This is the phase where we look back at the new moon of June 6-9 and consider any actions we need to do now that support what we started back then.   We also take a moment and reflect on how much we have had to pivot in the last three weeks?  How did our day start one way and ended up in a completely different manner by the end of the day?   How did we adapt?   Was it hard?  Was it easy?  Did we do it right away?  Or did it take us a beat?    All of that adaptability shows our skills on survival.   Now on this last quarter moon we consider if there are other adaptations we need to do?   


It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.



Focus on:

Where is there a place for you to share your independence?   Where do you need self-agency?   What actions can you take that have a fiery resolve?   How does all of this bring fresh information that impacts your communication? 


This week we have two contacts with Pluto.   


June 30: Moon square Pluto 

July 3: Mercury oppose Pluto  


As we discussed at the new moon, there are Hot Zones each month when there all planetary contacts with Pluto.  This inform us of the new terrain we are in with Pluto’s journey in Aquarius.  It is not meek or mild.  It could rattle deep inside us on a personal level (especially for folks with planets at 0-2 Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio) and we will see it in the news as well.      





On July 2 the moon moves into balsamic phase and we release all that we have processed in the last month.   This includes are stubbornness.    Also, on July 2 Neptune begins its annual retrograde.   There is a lot of planetary aspects in the balsamic phase which will be stimulating and perhaps helps us in the process of ‘releasing’.   


Finally on July 5, the Cancer New Moon launches moving us into our ‘feeling’ month.   That report will be coming up in the next couple of days.  




Balsamic Moon Phase


July 2, 2024 

1:48 am PDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing stubbornness?  How are you releasing rigidity? How is it healing to let go of inflexibility?   



Special focus:


7/2: Neptune station retrograde 29 Pisces 56 (see separate post) 

7/2: Mercury trine Neptune.  Thinking of love and beauty and joy  

7/2: Mercury enter Leo

7/2: Sun square North Node.  Emotions and family versus independence.  How can we find the new path?  

7/2: Venus trine Saturn. Practical support to all we love and value. 

7/3: Mercury oppose Pluto (see Hot Zone)  

7/5: Mars sextile Saturn.  Concrete actions that tap our faith and spirituality.  



Cancer New Moon July 5, 3:57 pm 14 Cancer 23 

Neptune Station Retrograde: July 2, 3:40am PDT



March11: Neptune enter shadow 

July 2:       Neptune station retrograde 29 Pisces 56

Dec 7:        Neptune station direct 27 Pisces 08 

March 28: Neptune exit shadow 


Neptune begins his annual retrograde at the end of the Gemini lunar month.    It is interesting that in one of the most logical signs, Gemini, Neptune, the gassy, vague, muted, fuzzy planet turns retrograde in Pisces, the vague and softest sign.   By the time of this retrograde we already have teacher nun Saturn retrograde in Pisces and now we get Neptune going backwards.    Sure, this is all clear as mud.   

Neptune and Saturn retrograde are getting the last drops out Pisces before they go into Aries next year.   Neptune is going to have to shed its cloak of ‘vague’, when it transits into hot ass and bright Aries.    Like a human spelunking in a deep wet cave and then exiting into a hot desert that is what is going to happen next year when Neptune moves into Aries.     Our psyches will be drawn to something hot and stark and independent next year but now at this retrograde Neptune retreats to the cave.  Between now and December 7 during Neptune retrograde we will be doing one more round of tapping our inner landscape.  Where do we find our intuition, our creativity and our humanitarian?   How do we access those kind, gentle energies?   It could serve us later when we are in stark bright experiences and need to remember the power of tapping our quiet.  

Monday, June 24, 2024

Astrology for Week Monday June 24 - 30


We start off the week, continuing the Capricorn full moon which began on June 21.    Our emotions may be cold but powerful as we tackle everything that comes up with a pragmatic response.   We continue to process our place in the world and how to use our emotions to take care of business.   


On the 25th we move to Disseminating.   




June 25, 2024 

2:53 pm PDT        



Focus on:   How are you sharing your gratitude to friends?   How do they impact your communication?   How do they keep your facts fresh and accurate?   How is technology keeping your facts on the ground accurate? 



Special focus:

6/26: Venus square N Node.  Personal actions in conflict with love.  Finding love that connects with emotions and family versus personal agency.  

6/26: Mercury trine Saturn.  Solid thinking and communication build a bridge from intuition to reality.  



Last Quarter Moon Phase

June 28, 2024 

2:53pm  PDT    



Last Quarter moon:  Now we do the final adjustments to the seeds we planted on new. The final call, the final letters to send, we follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.


Focus on:

Where is there a place for you to share your independence?   Where do you need self-agency?   What actions can you take that have a fiery resolve?   How does all of this bring fresh information that impacts your communication? 



Special focus 

6/28: Venus sextile Mars.   Love and actions are in synch.  New opportunities may present themselves.  

6/29: Saturn station retrograde 19 Pisces 26 (see separate post) 

6/29: Mercury sextile Uranus.  Great ideas that come out of the blue.  Breakthroughs in thinking.   

 6/30: Moon square Pluto.  Tension is high.  Friends are in the mix.   

Saturn Retrograde: June 29, 2024


June 29, 2024

12:06pm PDT 

Saturn station retrograde

19 Pisces 26 


March 23: Saturn enters shadow 

June 29:  Saturn station retrograde 19 Pisces 26

November 15: Saturn station direct 12 Pisces 42

Feb 18: Saturn exits shadow 



Saturn will retrograde every year, reminding us to slow down and ‘get’ the lesson of the sign.   Pisces can be very kind and sweet.  However, it also can be long on denial and delusion.  Pisces likes to avoid conflict and will hope and pray any challenge away.  Pisces also indulges in addictions and other escapism routes.   As one can imagine, Saturn is all about reality and pragmatism and takes issues head on.   If there are problems, habits and patterns, that need a reality check Saturn will find it . If it takes a retrograde of five months to clean out the Pisces fuzziness, then so be it.   


This Saturn retrograde will cover 12 – 20 degrees and anyone with planets at those degrees in Pisces, Gemini, Virgo and Sagittarius will feel the Saturn retrograde.  Has anything come up since March 23 that required ‘reality check’?   Are there any hard lessons that are piercing some illusion?  Or maybe you have been looking the other way and during the retrograde you realize you can’t afford to be fuzzy or obtuse any longer.   We can all take a deep breath and figure out a way to deal with any denial in the most productive manner during the Saturn retrograde.   And if we don’t get it figured out by November 15 when the retrograde ends, it is possible by the time we get to February 18 when the shadow ends that we will be clear on solid new patterns, habits and structures that support better choices.  Let Saturn be your helper and editor in all your choices during this retrograde.    

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

Capricorn Full Moon #1 - June 21, 6:07pm PDT


Capricorn Full Moon

June 21, 2024 

6:07pm PDT 

1 Capricorn 07 

Periodically we will have a year where there are two full moons in the same sign within thirty days.   Such is the case for 2024, on June 21st we have a full moon at one degree Capricorn then on July 21we have the second full moon at twenty-nine degrees of Capricorn. 

Every full moon speaks to the power of emotions through moon opposing the sun. The tension brings out hurdles and opportunities.   In this case the sun in Cancer understands that emotions guide us the best when we let them flow.    The Moon in Capricorn on the other side says, “Sure you can let them flow but let’s use those emotions to better our circumstances in the world”.    Capricorn gets twitchy when emotions just flow and flow and don’t result in anything.   Cancer gets backed up when emotions are ignored or frozen.      Finding a balance between Capricorn practicality and Cancer abundant feelings is our challenge.   

On the chart for the June full moon, we have the Sun in conjunction with Venus opposing the Moon.   Showing up for love will be paramount this three-day full moon.  We may be called to do something because our strong feelings are tapping Venus values.   Love is not just a mushy feeling that helps sell Hallmark greeting cards.   Venus knows what is important and Capricorn understands sacrifice.   Hardship and struggle for someone or something we love makes sense to Capricorn.     

The sun and the moon are both in square with Neptune.   This is what we call out-of-sign square because Neptune in Pisces is a natural square with Gemini and Sagittarius but in this case, the Sun is just barely out of Gemini and the moon is a smidge out of Sag so both are getting a fuzzy slam by Neptune.   We are challenged to be pragmatic (moon in Capricorn) with the guidance of our emotions (sun in Cancer) but at the same sense we may be separated from all the facts (Neptune).   We may not have all the answers or there could be something that feels ‘off’.    During this full moon we might want to pretend we are in the middle of a Mercury retrograde and double check everything.   Re-read the letter, re-count the numbers, go over the data again, double check appointments and reservations.    If fuzzy appears don’t let it throw off your game, stay cool.   Remember, this full moon is in the Gemini lunar month.   The New Moon in Gemini launched two weeks ago, and the greatest gift of Gemini –is learning to pivot.    Any challenges that come up with the full moon can help us learn how to adapt.    Adaptation is how species survive.   Ask Darwin.    Let’s stay cool as a cucumber on the Capricorn full moon.  Values are important, emotions are important, being sane and is important and if the circumstances change later, we must trust we’ll pivot again with sanity.   

Finally, the Moon is semi-sextile, and the Sun is inconjunct with Pluto.    This is a twenty-year journey that Pluto has begun, and we are at the very beginning of it at one degree of Aquarius.  Anytime Pluto is highlighted at the new and full moons we should take note.  The sun and moon in Cancer and Capricorn may get into tussles with each other but do at the end of the day understand one another.   Pluto in Aquarius just seems weird to them.   There could be something that comes up that we can’t get a handle on.   Just can’t wrap our head around it.      Watch for something weird or strange or perhaps technological to be in the news.  Or people doing something as a group that has you scratching your head, ‘hmm?”      Interesting, Pluto will be pronounced at the next full moon in Capricorn when it is in conjunction with the moon.   Whatever makes us scratch our head now in June could be louder in July.     Remember, Pluto speaks to evolution so there is something there for us to learn even if we don’t quite get it now.   

Take what you can from this full phase and if you need to improve your game next month you will have that opportunity at the second Capricorn full moon.    In the meantime, show up for love, even if it is hard.  Do it for you.    

Sun enters Cancer - A Very Special Solstice


Image from The Weather Network  

On June 20th at 1:51pm PDT the sun moves into Cancer setting off the season change.  In the north we move from spring to summer and below the equator it is moves from fall to winter.    This year the solstice is remarkable because it is the earliest solstice in over 200 years.   In an article in the Weather Network there is an explanation how the tilt of the earth, leap years, the different measurements of time over the centuries have distilled down to this fact:  This solstice is one of the earliest in over two hundred years.  

"Even taking into consideration that there was no daylight saving time back then, 2024's summer solstice is still earlier. We actually have to go all the way back to 1796 — 228 years ago — to find an earlier summer solstice."

We will also have the earliest equinox in the fall and the winter solstice (northern hemisphere) will be the earliest since 1797.     This is all remarkable when you consider we are also revisiting these same years from the 1700s with Pluto's entry into Aquarius.    Ah, maybe the John Adams from 2024 is on a beach somewhere applying sunscreen in between blogging? 

Enjoy the extra sunshine in the north and to our friends in the south sending you a roaring fire in a cozy fireplace. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

Astrology of Week June 17 - 22


The week starts with First quarter moon.  



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that speak to bettering your efficiency?    How are your communication abilities improved by a well-run schedule?   When you say YES to doing something how does inform your facts?  What new information do you learn?



Special Note


6/17: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto 

6/17: Mercury square Neptune.  Thinking is fuzzy, disillusioned, loss but also creative.  

6/17: Mercury enter Cancer.  Three weeks where our thoughts are long on emotions, cozy, family and home. 

6/17: Mercury conjunct Venus  0 Cancer 20.  Thoughts on love.  Values are in our brains.   Communicating love of things that are important to us. 


Gibbous Moon

June 18, 2024  

12:14 am  PDT    




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Focus on:  What refining can you do that impacts your resources?   How does perfecting your shared resources, impel you to dive down in new data? What have you been neglecting that impacts your resources?   What facts on the ground bring a new knowledge to your resources, finances, sex life, debt and taxes?    



Special focus

6/20: Sun square Neptune.  Fuzzy spirit.  Feeling a disconnect from reality feeling a blur into the universe can be disorienting.   

6/20: Sun enters Cancer.  Happy Summer Solstice.  

6/21: Mercury sextile Mars.   Thinking and actions are in synch.  Fun actions that are super practical.   



June 21, 2024

Full Moon

6:07 pm PDT 

1 Capricorn 07 


Separate post to come 


Special focus 

6/22: Mercury square N. Node.   Thinking that supports self-agency is fierce.  Sharp tongues today.  

Saturday, June 8, 2024

Astrology for June 8 - Jun 16



 On the 8th we are still in the new moon phase.    Our intent still matters as we are seeding the lunar month.   Lean into Gemini with focus. 


This focus:    How am I getting information?  How am I communicating?  How am feeling stressed?  How do I get informed if I am feeling pressure?  How do I pivot?  How do I adapt?   Do I have to given anyone a Yes or No answer or can I give them a solid maybe?    


Special note:

6/8: Venus square Saturn.  (See separate post) 

6/8: Mars enters Taurus (See separate post)

6/9: Sun square Saturn (See separate post)

6/9: Mercury sextile N Node.  Our thinking gets a burst of energy.  Personal agency fills our thoughts. 



Crescent Moon Phase

June 9, 9:33pm PDT



Focus on: What are you learning about your strength?  What are you learning about your passion?  What are you learning about your ability to be daring?   What are you learning about being the center of attention?  What are you learning about pride?  What are learning about being a hero?   How are you researching the value of drama?  



Special Focus

6/11 : Mars square Pluto   (see separate post) 

6/12 : Mercury square Saturn (see separate post)

6/13 : Sun conjunct Mercury cazimi.  Fresh thinking.  Diversified thoughts.   We are mentally dexterous.   We are thinking of new ways to adapt.  





First Quarter Moon 

June 13, 2024 

10:18 pm PDT  



Focus on:   What actions are you taking that speak to bettering your efficiency?    How are your communication abilities improved by a well-run schedule?   When you say YES to doing something how does it inform your facts?  What new information do you learn?



Special Note


6/16 : Venus square Neptune.  Fuzzy love and values.  A feeling of love and money disappearing.  How do we find a new vision? 

6/16 : Venus enters Cancer 

6/17 : Mercury square Neptune.  Thinking is fuzzy, disillusioned, loss but also creative.  

6/17 : Mercury enter Cancer 

6/17 : Mercury conjunct Venus  0 Cancer 20.  Thoughts on love.  Values are in our brains.   Communicating love of things that are important to us. 


Saturn Doing His Thing

Saturn fresco House of Dioscuri - Pompeii photo by Carol Raddato 


June 8: Venus squared Saturn 

June 9:  Sun squared Saturn 

June 12: Mercury squared Saturn 


Rules and authority may be pushing on our love, money and values (Venus) then on our spirit (Sun) and finally on our thinking and communication (Mercury).     If everything feels hard, look to Saturn.   If you can pivot and tap intuition, go for it.   If you can’t, then breathe.  If you are getting nothing but “NO” then take a break and pivot to something else until this crunching period of hardship and struggle, (even if it is mental) wraps.      

Hot Zone - Pluto and Friends


Hot Zone with Pluto 

On June 8 Mars moves into Taurus and begins lining up its square with Pluto on June 11.  At the same time the Moon will be entering Leo.   As in previous lunar reports, we are watching the inner planets when they form tough aspects with Pluto.   This can give us a window to some themes for the next twenty years.  



June 9:  Moon in Leo square Mars oppose Pluto. 

June 11 : Mars (Taurus) square Pluto 

June 17: Moon in Scorpio square Pluto 

June 23: Moon conjunction Pluto 

June 30: Moon square Pluto 

July 3: Mercury oppose Pluto  


Between June 8th and June 11th is red flagged as an intense window. Roughly every two years Mars and Pluto form a conjunction which begins a new journey involving power issues.  

Mars is the warrior on the battlefield exerting power.  Whereas Pluto’s power is the covert assassin and/or covert mogul who funds the war.  Their last square occurred in October during the week of Hamas terrorist attack on Israel.   

Looking back on Feb 13, at the conjunction, the new Mars Pluto journey began at zero Aquarius.  At that conjunction, tech exploded with the launch of Open AI which generates life like videos that are by their nature fake but appear realistic.  This new technology can be rife with problems in a good year but in a year with elections it can be hyper troublesome.   Will we see an echo off Feb 13 during this window?    For terrific insights into this topic, check out The Astrology Podcast (March2024) with astrologers Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock who go deep into other mega Mars-Pluto mundane events (Rafah, Russian nukes in space, crowd torches autonomous vehicle, strikes in India and South Korea).   On a personal level, consider how in mid-February you tapped power?   How were you using strength and tenacity?  How might you tap it again around June 11th?  How and where are you drilling down deep?   What is going on with your possessions?  What is going on with your properties?  How are your finances feeling pressurized?   What is happening that involves big tech and you?   How are you working with groups of people?  


Looking ahead we will see the next Mars/Pluto aspect on July 21 (Mars Trine Pluto) which is harmonious.  Then November 3 (Mars oppose Pluto) which may revisit the tension of June 11th.    


On July 3Mercury in Leo opposes Pluto which connects back to Feb 5 when Mercury also formed a conjunction with Pluto.  On the mundane level let’s watch the world for big news events where the actual reporting of the news may be the news.  Perhaps a merger of big media or a big scandal.   Journalism could be rocked.  When it comes to Leo versus Pluto, there is a push for dynamic personal expression but if it teeters on selfish, then Pluto in Aquarius calls it out.   There also could be a round of disinformation that has everyone in a dramatic tizzy.   There could be conversations that jump start a major self-evolution.   Maybe it is a conversation that is born out strength and resolve and sends blood through the body which launches serious changes.   “I think therefore I am” might be the result after a passionate (Leo) discussion.  


Looking ahead we will see the next aspect on October 13 (Mercury square Pluto) which will be tense and then on November 2 (Mercury sextile) we get a productive and healing aspect.  

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Gemini New Moon: June 6, 2024 5:37am PDT


June 6, 2024 

5:37am PDT 

16 Gemini 18 

And now for something different and something else that is different and something else that is different...yep we are here---are you getting an idea of Gemini?     The Gemini Twins are always up to something and this 29 day cycle we will be very busy.   This year Saturn is bringing a patina of responsibilities and a bit of heaviness that is not something we normally say about Gemini. We will take our ability to pivot very serious.   This is the gift of Gemini.    Just keep cha-cha-cha-ing.   

You can read my full new moon article HERE. 

Monday, June 3, 2024

Saturn & Neptune: February 20, 2026


BTW - I am not sure why this video is age restricted.  

Saturn conjunction Neptune 
00 Aries 47  
February 20, 2026
6:38pm PST 

I have decided that one way to disseminate some of the bigger astrological aspects is to pull out discussions that I have read, followed, listened  or watched that I think you might find helpful.   I also think that getting way out in front of it, might also be an assist since it won't feel like any of us are cramming for an exam when the date is barreling down on us.  Let's start percolating on the aspect way in advance.    One such potent astro aspect in our future is the conjunction between Saturn and Neptune at 00 Aries 47.   Or the Zero-One degree of Aries. 

Saturn and Neptune forms a conjunction once every 36 years.  The last time they hooked up was 1989-90.   The two planets can conjunct in any sign but in the last two thousand years Saturn and Neptune have only conjunct in Aries a handful of times and only once at Zero-One Degree of Aries and that was in 4361 BCE.    That is a long time ago.   Accent on long.   Now we have it in our future.   

There are lots of discussions by various astrologers about how this could impact our world based on themes of the past.   I will find many of them that I will share with you between now and when the aspect takes place on February 20, 2026.   I thought I would start with this video because I think it is a good primer.    It is from the World Astrology Report with astrologers Dan Waites and SJ Anderson.   It was recorded in November of 2022.    The two of them talk a lot about calendars (created back in 4361 BCE) and the advent of coins,  international trade and important dates in Russian history.   I think you will find it all very interesting.  


Saturday, June 1, 2024

Astrological Notes - June 1 - June 5


June 1st is the final day of the Last Quarter moon   We continue to do the last efforts on any seeds we planted at the Taurus New Moon.   We do the final call, actions, correspondence, etc.  We follow all the trails that came up that still make sense.  And we let the other parts lay fallow. It is a time of action but wise action.  It is a time for living “The serenity prayer” 


God, grant me the Serenity
to accept the things
I cannot change Courage to change the
things I can, and the
Wisdom to know the difference.



Balsamic Moon Phase


June 2, 2024 

12:14am PDT 


Balsamic:   We let go.  By releasing we can prepare for the new.  



Focus on:  How are you releasing your anger?  How are you releasing your independence?  How are you releasing your fire?  How are you releasing your self-agency?  



Special focus:


6/2: Jupiter Trine Pluto (see separate post) 

6/2: Mercury sextile Neptune.  Thinking and communication that is unworldly, dreamy, and creative.  

6/3: Mercury enter Gemini.  Communication speeds up.   Try not to rush. 

6/3: Sun sextile North Node.   Actions that benefit by independent thoughts and communication.   

6/3: Venus sextile North Node.  Love and creativity that benefits by independent thoughts and communication. 

6/3: Mercury trine Pluto (see separate post) 

6/4: Mercury conjunct Jupiter.  What’s the big idea?  What’s the fresh 10,000 foot view?   

6/4: Venus conjunct Sun.  Love and creativity benefit by fresh ideas and some adaptability.  (Superior conjunction) receptivity is heightened. 

Gemini New Moon - June 6, 5:37am PDT -  Write Up to come.