Sunday, July 14, 2024

Astrology for July 14 - 20


We are still in the zone of pressure and heat with Mars approaching its conjunction with unstable Uranus and fixed star Algol.    Then on July 18 - July 20 we get some breaks with a few lovely aspects by Sun, Venus and Mars.   Hopefully that will soothe some of our nerves.     

First Quarter Moon 

Focus on:   What actions are you taking that support your relationship(s)?  How are you negotiating your emotions and your relationship (s)?  What actions can you take that are focused on more balance in your life?  



Special Note


7/14 Moon enters Scorpio 7:52am PDT 

7/15 : Sun Square Chiron.  Family, emotions versus independence.  Healing feels hard but is still needed.    

7/15 : Mars conjunct Uranus  (see separate post -hot



Gibbous Moon

July 17, 2024  

2:33pm PDT    




We refine our information.  We pick and choose, we discriminate, and we organize to be ‘Virgo’ like.  We sort through details.  Have we missed something?  How are we sifting through the information?  Go back and make sure something hasn’t been neglected.  Refine our actions.   How are we perfecting our goals? 


Focus on:  What refining can you do that broadens your knowledge?  What refining can be done to expand your world?  What refining can be done to bring in a different POV?  Perhaps a ‘foreign’ perspective or experience? 



Special focus

7/18 : Sun sextile Uranus.  Sensitive, emotional lead to practical breakthroughs. 

7/18 : Mercury trine Chiron.  Creative thinking is inspired by dynamic independence.  Fire resolve proceeds healing.  

7/19 : Venus trine North Node.  Independence in creativity, money, love benefits by some drama and personal flair. 

7/20 : Mars sextile Neptune. Actions that are inspired and tap spirituality and woo-woo.  

7/20 : Mars enter Gemini.   Six weeks of fast-moving actions, lots of communication.  Lots of pivoting.  

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