Sunday, July 14, 2024

Astrology of July 13. Mid Way Through a Rough Patch

This spring, I was having coffee with some astrologers and we were discussing the summer bumpy aspects including the Aquarius full moon.   I did not have the chart in front of me but I asked if anyone knew if it had a conjunction with Pluto.   Someone said, "No it's a later degree, squaring Uranus".    The whole table responded, "Ugh".     I said, "Check the date of Democratic Convention"  - Someone grabbed their phone.   It was the same date.    We all agreed that was a crap day for a political convention.       Later when I got home I looked up the Mars conjunction with Uranus in July and saw it was on the GOP convention.     More ugh.    No surprise that astrologer Rick Levine mused in his monthly astro report for July that there were plenty of decent enough days this summer  to have political conventions but if you could avoid two weekends it would be July 15 and August 19th.   Sigh.   It is clear no one in either party has an astrologer on payroll.    

On my Cancer new moon report (and I am sure every mundane astrologer's reports), I went long on Mars/Uranus/Algol conjunction for July 15.   I mentioned events that happened the last time the two hooked up in 2022: 

"Just before the 2022 conjunction the former Prime Minister of Japan was assassinated, there was a major earthquake in Philippines and al-Qaeda’s leader who took over after Osma bin Laden’s death was killed in an airstrike by CIA.     No one can say Mars and Uranus conjunctions are subtle."

And so it was, that yesterday in the run up to the July 15 date we had more 'not subtle'.  As of this writing, candidate Donald Trump was the victim of an attempted assassination.  Trump was wounded and one person sitting in the stands was killed.    We do not know a lot about the gunman, who was killed, except that he was 20, from Pittsburgh and has no criminal record and apparently is registered in the GOP party.   What seems to be the biggest question of all is: How did this happen?   And what is going on with the protocols of the Secret Service?  

When looking at the chart for the event I was struck by the Moon in Libra square Sun in Cancer and thought how these actions strike at the core of the USA which is also a Cancer given its July 4 birthday.  Americans want our candidates to be safe, not just in abstract or just for show (Libra) but we really want them to be protected (Cancer).  And when that fails,  it hurts our country.    Projected against Trump's chart we see the Mars Uranus conjunction in the 10th house, the house of business, structures and systems.    This puts the Secret Service in the hot seat.   How was a young man able to climb a roof with a rifle that has a stage view of a presidential rally?      The truth is the Secret Service has had a very mixed record.  

I would not be surprised if this event means a huge overhaul of the Secret Service.   Remember Pluto is retrograde and heading for its final months in Capricorn where it was when the USA was founded.   We still have pipes in our system that need cleaning.    Also, Jupiter elevated in the 10th house suggests luck protected both Trump and many others who could have been killed. 

This may be 'the' incident associated associated with the July 15th's conjunction however there is still the issue of calls for Joe Biden to leave the ticket which began after his terrible performance at the late June debate.   Will those effots to push for Biden to exit gather more steam or has the oxygen left the room?  Unclear but then we are not done with our bumps in July and we still have the bumps in August and of course that Aquarius full moon on August 19th at a convention in Chicago.   Let's put up a sign that says, "Watch This Space."  

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