Friday, July 19, 2024

Chiron Retrograde July 26 - Dec 29


Chiron teaching Achilles how to play the lyre source: Wikipedia 

Chiron retrograde

April 1 Chiron enters shadow 

July 26 Chiron station retrograde 23 Aries 32 

Dec 29 Chiron station direct 19 Aries 00

April 21, 2025 Chiron exits shadow 



Chiron is a planetoid that has an orbit between Saturn and Uranus. It has been in the sign Aries since 2019 and will wrap up this journey in 2027.   The last time Chiron was in Aries was 1968 through 1976.   It was then Chiron was discovered.   Astrologers started tracking Chiron’s astrological influence then, and it certainly was not difficult to see it in action given all the unrest that took place in 1968.  Between MLK and RFK assassinations and the unrest at the Democratic convention in Chicago, astrologers knew a lot of forces were at play and Chiron was one of the energies.   Now here we are this summer and it is remarkable that we have Chiron in Aries and another Chicago Democratic convention and again an unsettled feeling with high stakes.     


Chiron connects to where we have self-wounds.  In our personal charts we look at Chiron and the house and learn something about our self-wounding.   There is an insecurity, feeling like we ‘can’t’ quite get it figured out is Chiron.   Chiron in Aries it is about being the ‘first’, issues of independence, starting fires, getting out there and going a new way.   And none of it easy or gentle.    We will see stories that speak to those themes.   It will not be smooth.  It will be bumpy.  But in it there is still something that is healing.    For those people who have planets between 19 and 24 degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn you may have already felt the stresses of Chiron since April 1 as it zapped your planet(s).   During the retrograde (July 26 and December 29) Chiron will drive over those planets again and then after it stations direct it will go over them a third time in the beginning of 2025 until it clears the shadow on April 21, 2025.   I can raise my hand as one who has a planet in those degrees, and it was rough.  But I did get through it.  I can see my own screw up in the mix and will have to do all I can to not repeat some of the hurdles.  


Here is a good link where you can learn about Chiron in your personal chart.


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