Sunday, July 7, 2024

Mars-Uranus-Algol - Hottest Astro Event. July 15, 2024


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Mars & Uranus & Algol HOTTER Zone


Between Venus and Sun oppose Pluto, and the Mars trine Pluto, we also will have the roughest aspect of the summer.   Mars conjunction Uranus on July 15 at 26 Taurus.  Additionally it be on top of fixed star Algol at 26 Taurus.    

Every two years Mars forms a conjunction with Uranus.   Mars brings its warrior and Uranus leans into its rebel.   Since 2018 Uranus has been in Taurus and its first Mars conjunction was in January 2021 about two weeks after January 6 insurrection.  Rebel meet warrior.    Just before the 2022 conjunction the former Prime Minister of Japan was assassinated, there was a major earthquake in Philippines and al-Qaeda’s leader who took over after Osma bin Laden’s death was killed in an airstrike by CIA.     No one can say Mars and Uranus conjunctions are subtle. 


This round we have the added tension of Agol.   I do not focus on fixed stars in my astrology writings, but I trust those who do work with them.  And while I may not hang with those stars, I do know some of the stories and myths and by all measures Algol is one of the more toxic.  Algol is connected to Medusa and her sinister hair of snakes.  The word ghoul is derivative of Algol.   The star relates to decapitations.  Yeah, like I said a nasty star.  Pluto in Aquarius is also about decapitations since The French Revolution and the Guillotine were featured during the last Pluto in Aquarius.  It is worth noting that there is also a figurative interpretation which is someone brought down from power without being killed and it is not necessarily royal as in the other centuries.  Politicians, CEO’s or celebrities could get caught in a career ending situation.      


Anyway you cut it, this Mars Uranus conjunction with Algol is tough.  And the fact it is happening in the middle of Moon in Taurus square Pluto and after Venus oppose Pluto and just before Sun oppose Pluto…well it is a lot of red lights blinking.    Let me remind you I am not speaking about personal charts.   This tumult is mundane, meaning of the world.  The event(s) can be significant.    


These aspects during the Cancer lunar month remind us to ride our feelings and emotions like guided river raft trip.  We could go up and down, over the rocks, in swift waters but it all depends on how we lean and how we hold on and how we ride our emotions and feelings. 

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