Saturday, July 6, 2024

The Pluto Hot Zone - July 2024


I know I am a broken record and I apologize for repeating this topic.  But every month we benefit by looking at any planetary aspect with Pluto.  Pluto has just begun its twenty-year journey in Aquarius, and we can get an idea of our new territory by watching any contacts from the Moon and other planets with Pluto.    I call this…


Pluto Hot Zone 


7/6   Moon enter Leo 8:55pm PDT

7/12 Venus oppose Pluto (1 degree 07’)

7/14 Moon enters Scorpio 7:52am PDT 

7/21 Moon enters Aquarius 4:42am PDT

7/21 Mars trine Pluto (00 degree 54’)

7/21 Sun enter Leo 

7/22 Sun oppose Pluto (00 degree 54) 

7/27 Moon enters Taurus 10:22am PDT 


The moon moves very fast and gets through a sign in 2.5 days.  When the Moon moves into the fixed signs (Leo, Scorpio, Aquarius and Taurus) it will get into a tussle with Pluto and then later a tense aspect with Uranus.  Around all those Moon dates watch the news for big stories that speak to cracks and fissures and disruptions.   Tech could be an issue since it Pluto is in Aquarius.  There could be issues between community against rigid behaviors that may have outgrown practicality.   I remember hearing years ago the adage, “Death is easy, birth is a bitch” These Pluto-Uranus aspects strike that chord of disruption, death and rebirth.


Once a year Venus opposes Pluto.   In 2023 Venus in Leo opposed Pluto in its first dip into Aquarius.   This took place at the beginning of June.   At that time two movies were beginning their promotional tour.   Leo rules films and movie stars.  Leo is big, Leo is bold, Drama is Leo.   Okay, sounds good.  But still, what did it mean for Venus in Leo to oppose Pluto in Aquarius for the first time since its last ‘first time’ on June 12, 1778?   

About a week after that aspect in the 18th century, the French went to war with the British (Bourbon War) which helped America win the Revolutionary War.  That’s some drama.    But what about 2023?  After the aspect, Venus turned retrograde, and the movies Barbie and Oppenheimer were released.    Barbenheimer was so huge of an event that it dominated the whole summer.   The only spectacle that could have possibly overshadowed it would have been if a UFO landing on the Eiffel Tower.   It appears Venus in Leo oppose Pluto in Aquarius was made for our modern era of tiktok, IG and everything in between.     It is unclear what this round will bring us on July 12 but prepare for social media to be on fire mid-July.  


On July 22, we will also get an annular Sun opposition Pluto.   Stress testing ego (Leo) and community (Aquarius) interests once again.   Heroes being plucked from the masses seems possible.  Finding self in the middle of the emotions in big groups will be challenging.    Cults will be challenged but so will persons steeped in self-centeredness.   


These aspects by any measure are a lot of sturm und drang.   Luckily, offering some ballast to the drama is a beautiful trine between Mars and Pluto on July 21.  Mars in Gemini knows how to pivot, move fast, assimilate new data and inspire quick actions that support Pluto’s need for evolution.   This will be helpful to offset the tough aspects.     

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