Friday, July 19, 2024

Capricorn Full Moon -- Number 2! July 21, 2024 3:17am PDT


Capricorn Full Moon

July 21, 2024 at 3:17 AM 

29 Cap 08 

This is our second Capricorn full moon or blue moon (when there are two full moons in one month.)   On June 21, we had a full moon at 1 degree Capricorn and now we have this full moon at 29 degrees.  

Capricorn is where we get our pragmaticism on.  We are about practical results.   We look at structures and systems that make up our life which were built by our own efforts or built by others.    On the Cap full moon, we look around and ask if our systems and processes are working?  Do we need to rebuild our structures because they are not working?    You may ask, what structure can I improve that will make my life easier.  Capricorn lives for results.  Living in partly broken-down systems is not appealing. 

The Moon has a trine with Mars in Taurus which is perfect for tapping energy.   Mars in Taurus provides sure and steady support.   This three-day full moon window is an opportunity for galvanizing energy that connects to our emotions.   We raise our head from our cozy home and personal life (Sun in Cancer) and ponder where we are in our world.  As much as we want to hang out in our childlike or childish patterns, we are adults, and we have responsibilities.  On the Cap full moon, we think about our goals and ambitions.    We may feel the calling to finally ‘Just Do it’ –on something that has been important, but we have not given it priority up to now.    Capricorn understands priorities, we gotta do stuff and we don’t just let our emotions keep us on the couch because “I don’t feel like doing it.’    Don’t be surprised if you take care of a lot of important business during this three-day phase. 

 At the same time there is also Moon trine Uranus which emphasizes novelty, things that are unique and offers an out of the blue spontaneity or weirdness.   What efforts we take this full moon will go long if we tap something fresh, unique and new.     We will want to lean into breaking new ground and modernization.  But also respect anyone or any system that has worked in the past.   It has value.  It might not be needed now but it should be honored so we can remember the humans as we head deeper into technology (ruled by Uranus).   

There is also an out of sign conjunction of Moon with Pluto in Aquarius and the day after the full moon, the Sun perfects an opposition to Pluto. 

 A planet as potent as Pluto even if it is an out of sign conjunction will inform a moon very similar to what we see in nature.   In marshes and lagoons there is often brackish water which is when fresh water meets sea water.    Both waters have strong sources – perhaps a freshwater stream that flows out of a mountain miles away joins a marsh near the coast where tidal waves lap in from a salted sea.   This brackish water is not as fresh as it was at the mountain, but in the marsh, it also has less saline than the water in the ocean.   The brackish marsh creates a unique environment with specialized plant and animal species that have adapted to these conditions.  The new flow coming from Pluto in Aquarius is swirling around in 2024 as Pluto prepares for its final retrograde into Capricorn where it has been since 2008.   After November Pluto won’t return to Capricorn for 200+ years.   Pluto’s power comes from a deep need to evolve.     This full moon at 29 degrees of Capricorn suggests a letting go but also honors and respects those who work hard and are responsible.   While we appreciate the freshness of group thinking with Aquarius, we must not ditch all we have learned since 2008.   This full moon may showcase something important that will come up between September 1 and November 19 when Pluto returns to 29 degrees of Capricorn.  On July 22 when the Sun perfects its opposition with Pluto in Aquarius it will again emphasize the power, we bring to life force when we evolve.    In the meantime, we are in this brackish period where we are not done with Capricorn not fully engaged with Aquarius.   Many of us may experience curious situations and encounters and many of us may ping pong between the two energies that are conservative or status quo and revolutionary.   What will we see in the news that is strange and different?    How will we honor the unicorn surrounded by the horses.   

My eagle eye friend Ann noted to me that the last time we had two Capricorn full moons was June and July 1994 at the same degrees we are experiencing now.    In 1994 it was the summer of OJ Simpson, Prince Charles documentary where he discusses his long relationship outside of his marriage and curiously after 27 years Palestinian leader Yasser Arafat returns to Gaza.     Consider what was going on in your life in the summer of 94.  

One final note, Mercury in Leo is squaring Uranus in Taurus on the same day as the full moon.  Our thoughts are dramatic and perhaps sharp.   Our conversation could be so disjointed and weird that it may cause severe damage.    If red lights are flashing within you, you may want to avoid crazy tone or perhaps it is time for you to have weird thoughts and odd conversations.     Only you know the answer.    There is a chaos in the thinking and conversations. 

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