Sunday, September 12, 2010

San Bruno Natural Gas Fire

Last week's natural gas explosion in San Bruno California is yet another punctuation mark on the cardinal square energies still in effect. We have discussed it many times that infrastructure issues (especially with Pluto in Capricorn) are paramount and with the squares the accent is on the flaws. What might at first glance appear to be a simple pipe rupture has the earmarks of something more. Perhaps corruption and greed will be at the center? I say why not, look at BP, look at the coal mine explosions from the last six months, are we seeing a theme?

Over at AstrologyExplored there is a more detailed chart on San Bruno Explosion worth reading. Check it out fully here, but here is a snippet.

While San Bruno deals with this tragedy, finger pointing is already starting at Pacific Gas and Electric who is no stranger to litigation because of unsafe business practices. In 1994 an investigation by Erin Brockovich led to the biggest settlement on record for civil class action suit. Pacific Gas and Electric had dumped 370 million gallons of cancer-causing chemicals into unlined ponds in Hinkley, California.

But what makes San Bruno the scene for such an accident?

Though long settled by native Americans, then annexed as a Mexican territory as part of the Spanish mission system, the real growth of San Bruno occurred after the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake and Fire.

The date of incorporation for San Bruno is December 23, 1914 as reported by the City Clerk of San Bruno on the City Clerk’s page of the San Bruno website.

While we have no time for the date of incorporation, we do have the time and date of the explosion September 09, 2010, at approximately 6:15 PM. Since we have the timing of the event, the event is at the center of wheel while the planets for the chart of the city of San Bruno is on the outside.

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