Scorpio new moon arrives October 26, 3:55pm EDT and you will find my whole article HERE
I hope you are all prepared to bring out the drano! It is going to be a big flush out cycle. We all need it, even if we don't want to admit it.
Here's a snippet. Got to link for whole article.
Now that Libra is behind us, we have weighed and measured enough. We have balanced enough, and we sure the heck have zigged while others zagged enough. After 28 days of struggling to stay in grey, we are ready to get our BlackAndWhite on. This is Scorpio.
At first blush when people talk about Scorpio they always bring up the sex thing and the power thing and the sneaky thing and all those other things that go bump in the night. And sure, that is all Scorpio. But of course, more to the point Scorpio is connected to death and rebirth. In order to be reborn something must die. And any garbage from the last six month (Aries-Libra) is ready to be released. This is Scorpio.
Scorpio is not loud, it is stealth and even when they unload they can do it in a way that a person might not even know they have been iced. Until that person wakes up in the middle of the night in a cold sweat and realizes, “I think I’ve just been dumped.” This is Scorpio.
When Scorpio is bad (how about that black and white word?) It is a crazy control freak that stalks its prey, micromanages everyone and does psychological mind games on anyone in their path. When Scorpio is good, (again, black and white word) it will hear an organic truth inside self and exert tremendous focus and discipline to live that truth. We are all jealous of Scorpio’s clarity and wickedly envious how they are not bothered by things not on their radar. They cut through any muck and mire and stay on their track. This is Scorpio.
In the chart of this Scorpio New Moon there is a lot going on which will have our attention. First of all the Sun/Moon is being pushed by an opposition with Jupiter in Taurus. Taurus loves to be grounded and Jupiter is Big. So, the push to hang on to the status quo will be palpable, but the Sun in Scorpio cannot hang on. If it does, it gets backed up and if you have ever seen a toilet overflow, (like at almost all state run parks) well it isn’t pretty.
With all plumbing there is a pipe for fresh intake and a pipe to release and NEVER should they be confused. Unfortunately, Jupiter over there in Taurus is saying, “Hang on to everything” and Scorpio is saying, “No, I can’t.” Watch your inner plumbing and watch what you eliminate. If you are not releasing stuff and only bringing in stuff you will get backed up. By the way, I’m sure the connection to poop is obvious but I’m also talking about beliefs, opinions, intimate associations, lovers, properties and things that are comingled. If any of it is corrupted it will be exposed. See if the universe gives you a sign that you are getting backed up. It may be subtle but watch for some metaphorical clogged drain. If it shows up, begin releasing.
Since Scorpio rules resources and Taurus rules banks and properties the Jupiter opposes Sun/Moon aspect has a huge money component. Everyone needs to (go to link)
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Ken’s other grandfather worked as a manager at the Schenectady plant of the American Locomotive Company. Smith was a life member of the Capital District Railroad Club of Schenectady. He was also a member of the Mohawk-Hudson Chapter Railway Historical Society and its parent organization, the National Railway Historical Society. Submit Articles